Juliet Iwelunmor, PhD


Dr. Juliet Iwelunmor is a Professor of Medicine and an Associate Director for Global Health and Dissemination at Washington University School of Medicine. An advocate for health equity and sustainability, Dr. Iwelunmor is widely regarded for her passion with one thing: helping evidence-based interventions in community settings and for young people, last. She uses PLAN (i.e. why people learning, adapting, and nurturing core values) to begin with the end in mind to achieve the biggest impact with sustaining evidence-based interventions in community settings and among adolescents and young people. Her research uses community engagement strategies, participatory action research, and culture-inspired strategies to amplify the voices of communities and young people in health interventionsShe combines more than a decade of authority and leadership in the use of dissemination and implementation science to deliver cutting-edge health programs that create tangible impact. Dr. Iwelunmor is also inspired by stories/creativity and believes that the best to way to persist with evidence-based health interventions, is to foster connections, inspire collaboration, and encourage creativity rooted in learning, adapting, and nurturing locally driven creative assets designed to meet the most pressing needs in health and achieve impact.

Juliet Iwelunmor
Washington University School of Medicine, United States