Karine Lacombe, MD, PhD


Karine Lacombe, M.D, PhD, is an infectious diseases specialist whose clinical practice, teaching and research are focusing on viral infections. Dr. Lacombe grew in the French Alps where she completed her undergraduate studies at Grenoble Science University (Université Joseph Fourier). She graduated from Pierre et Marie Curie Medical University in Paris and completed her residency in St Antoine Hospital, Paris and St André Hospital, Bordeaux. In 2006, she got her PhD in Epidemiology on HIV / hepatitis B coinfection and the determinants of liver fibrosis. She became an associate Professor in Infectious Diseases in 2007 and got a full professorship position at Sorbonne Universite in 2016. Recent publications include results of phase 2 and 3 clinical trials in HIV, chronic hepatitis as well as SARS-CoV2. She is one of the international leaders on HIV-hepatitis coinfection and has been giving plenary lectures in all international conferences in infectious diseases. Since March 2020, she has been deeply involved as a clinician and researcher but also at a political level in the management of the Covid-19 crisis. She is the head of the Infectious Diseases Department in St Antoine Hospital, AP-HP, Paris.

Karine Lacombe
Hôpital Saint Antoine Paris, France