Lisa McCorkell, MPP


Lisa McCorkell is a person living with Long COVID and the co-founder of the Patient-Led Research Collaborative, a group of Long COVID patients conducting research on Long COVID and advocating for better policies for disabled people. She is the co-author of several prominent Long COVID research studies, including a review in Nature Reviews Microbiology; has coordinated a patient-led biomedical research fund of $5 million toward Long COVID and associated conditions; has had dozens of speaking engagements on Long COVID including to Congress, NIH, and the White House; and has co-created scorecards that evaluate meaningful patient engagement in research. She has a masters in public policy from University of California, Berkeley, and a background in social safety net policy and labor and employment issues. She was featured as one of Nature's 10 people who shaped science in 2022.

Lisa McCorkell
Co-Founder, Patient-Led Research Collaborative