Upinder Singh, MD


Dr Singh is a physician scientist with clinical training in Infectious Diseases and research expertise in basic science, parasitology and Covid-19 including post covid sequlae. She currently serves as the Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine in the Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine. She also serves as the Associate Chair for Faculty Development in the Department of Medicine.

Dr Singh is a Fellow of the IDSA, a member of ASCI and a Deputy Editor at the Journal of Infectious Diseases. She has expertise in developing curriculum for training of Infectious Disease physicians and has expanded the program at Stanford to include sub-speciality training in many clinical aspects of Infectious Diseases.

Her research efforts in Covid-19 began with leading multiple investigator-initiated clinical trials in 2020, contributing sto leadership of large, national Covid-treatment studies including ACTIV-2, leading the Stanford hub for the NIH RECOVER study, and initiating the first study globally to study the effect of Paxlovid on Long-Covid. She also led efforts to establish a Long-covid clinic at Stanford, which launched in May 2021.

Upinder Singh
Stanford University School of Medicine, United States