Barbara Bartmeyer, DVM PhD


Dr. Barbara Bartmeyer (BB) works as an epidemiologist at the Robert Koch Institute, which is the national German public health institute, in Berlin, Germany. She is the deputy head of the HIV/AIDS, STI unit in the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology. For 20 years she has been working in the field of HIV research, HIV surveillance and is supervising two long-term observational HIV cohort studies. BB is part of the committee for strategic planning to fight HIV, viral hepatitis, and STIs in Germany, aiming to provide evidence-based research for political decision-making in the field of HIV to improve knowledge on prevention, testing, and treatment. She is a project lead in many HIV cohort networks on the national as well as on EU and international levels. BB is a member of the HIV Network Coordination Committee at the European Centre of Disease Control, ECDC. The HIV/AIDS, STI unit at Robert Koch Institute is designated as the WHO Collaborating Centre for viral hepatitis and HIV in the WHO Euro Region. Within this WHO-CC BB participated in many HIV desk reviews in Central Asia and the Caucus Region and coordinated HIV research studies in Kyrgyzstan together with local partners in the region regarding HIV mode of transmission and barriers and facilitators for HIV/viral hepatitis testing.

Barbara Bartmeyer
HIV/AIDS, STI Unit, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany