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Clinical Pharmacology Issues for Pediatric TB - Sharon Nachman, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
The Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens: Advancing through a Multidisciplinary, Multipartner Approach - Klaus Romero, MD, MS
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
Drug-drug interactions between bedaquiline and the antiretrovirals nevirapine and lopinavir/ritonavir in patients - M. Pandie
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
Population pharmacokinetics and bacterial dynamics of sutezolid in patients with active tuberculosis - K.B. Larson
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
High dose rifampicin: a phase II trial comparing 10, 15 and 20 mg/kg rifampicin for two months - R. Aarnoutse
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
The inhibitory potential of TB drugs on ATP-binding cassette transporters MRP1- 5, P-gp, BCRP and BSEP - L. Te Brake
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
A semi mechanistic pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic template model for studying antitubercular drug effects in vitro - O. Clewe
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
Pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin in M(X)DR tuberculosis patients - N. Van’t Boveneind- Vrubleuskaya
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
Pharmacological Knowledge Gaps in the Treatment of TB Meningitis - Guy Thwaites, MA, MBBS, PhD, FRCP, FRCPath, FMedSci
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
Inhaled Therapy for TB - Edward Nardell, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
Intra cavitary penetration of levofloxacin among patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis - R. Kempker
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
Anti-Tuberculosis Activity of Pyrazinamide Varies by Lesion Type in C3heb/Fej Mice - Lanoix, J.-P
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
Computational pharmacology of rifampin in mice: an application to dose optimization with conflicting objectives in tuberculosis treatment - M. Lyons
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Tuberculosis Drugs 2014
What should we do to cure HBV - Harry Janssen, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014
What should we do to cure HBV - Harry Janssen, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014
Antiviral therapy of HBV/HCV in China from clinical perspective - Jidong Jia, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014
Antiviral therapy of HBV/HCV in China from clinical perspective - Jidong Jia, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014
HIV Cure - Sharon Lewin, AO, FRACP, PhD, FAHMS
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014
HIV Cure - Sharon Lewin, AO, FRACP, PhD, FAHMS
Presented at:
Asian Conference on Hepatitis and AIDS (ACHA) 2014