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HIV & women’s health: do we have any game changers here? | Mariana Mărdărescu, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and HIV 2018
Hepatitis Delta: what are the new developments, what are the challenges? | Cihan Yurdaydin, MD
Presented at:
Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and HIV 2018
Update on changes in Hepatitis B and C in CEE countries | Miłosz Parczewski, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and HIV 2018
Epidemiology of HIV Infection and Treatment in Europe | Teymur Noori, MSc
Presented at:
Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and HIV 2018
Novel delivery Systems - What's in the pipeline? | Courtney Fletcher, PharmD
Presented at:
European HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Switch strategies | Pedro Cahn, MD, PhD
Presented at:
European HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Reduced drug regimens - What are the Data? | José Arribas, MD
Presented at:
European HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Remdesivir — What do the Clinical Trials Tell Us? - Daniel Kuritzkes, MD
Presented at:
COVID-19 Online Educational Program 2020
Designing e-health interventions for HIV care | Guido van den Berk, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Global HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Clinical case: Integrase Inhibitors in Africa | Julia Turner, MD
Presented at:
Global HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Implication of the resent Dolutegravir data | Rebecca Zash, MD
Presented at:
Global HIV Clinical Forum 2018
What is the Virological support for reduced drug regimens? | Daniel Kuritzkes, MD
Presented at:
Global HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Future perspective for delivery of antiretroviral drugs | David Back, PhD
Presented at:
Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Simplified regimens: pros and cons | Pedro Cahn, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Clinical case presentation | Tânia Vergara, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Optimal use of INSTI’s in routine practice | Carlos Brites, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2018
SIERJ SESSION: Is early ART for everyone? | Mauro Schechter, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2018
Clinical case presentation | Marcio de Figueiredo Fernandes, MD
Presented at:
Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2018
HIV prevention and the role of integrase inhibitors | Pep Coll, MD
Presented at:
Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2018