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Increased HIV testing and case finding targeting young men who have sex with men in Bali through private & government partnership.
Presented at:
APACC 2019
Paradoxical Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome associated with Talaromyces marneffei Infection among ART-Naïve Population
Presented at:
APACC 2019
HCV reinfections after viral clearance among HIV-positive patients with recent HCV infection in Taiwan
Presented at:
APACC 2019
Interim analysis of a randomized clinical trial: HBV revaccination among HIV-positive MSM born in the era of neonatal immunization
Presented at:
APACC 2019
HCV Seroepidemiology among HCV-Seronegative, HIV-Positive Patients in Northern Taiwan: an Expanding Epidemic
Presented at:
APACC 2019
Prognostic factor for natural eradication of acute hepatitis C infection in HIV positive patients
Presented at:
APACC 2019
Rapid antiretroviral initiation among Thai HIV-infected youth through the National AIDS program in the era of treatment at any CD4
Presented at:
APACC 2019
Early Mortality After Late Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD) of IeDEA Asia-Pacific
Presented at:
APACC 2019
Trends of Genotypic Sensitivity Scores of HIV-1 in Taiwan: Potential Application in the Selection of Single-Tablet Antiretroviral Regimens
Presented at:
APACC 2019
A quality improvement learning network approach to the reduction of HIV-related stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings
Presented at:
APACC 2019
Starting PrEP during acute HIV infection: what is the risk for antiretroviral drug resistance?
Presented at:
APACC 2019
A mathematical model of HIV prevention strategies in Japanese MSM
Presented at:
APACC 2019
Practical perspective of the use of point-of-care testing for supporting the delivery of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis
Presented at:
APACC 2019
Sex-specific analyses in oral abstracts from CROI 2019
W. Short
Reviews in Antiviral Therapy & Infectious Diseases 1, 2020
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Women 2020