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Virological outcomes among children receiving ART in the public health sector in Zambia; 2017-2018
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Enrollment to HIV treatment services and predictors of enrolment among HIV-infected children from high-risk settings in selected health facilities in Ethiopia
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density Among Infants With and Without Perinatal Tenofovir Exposure
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Point-of-care testing for early infant diagnosis of HIV in rural Zambia: Experience from the field
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Electronic Health Record (EHR) review of infant outcomes for Neural Tube Defects (NTD) born to HIV+ pregnant women in the US
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Supported breastfeeding among women with diagnosed HIV in the UK- the current picture
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Characterizing viral load burden among HIV-infected women at time of delivery: Findings from four tertiary obstetric units in Gauteng, South Africa.
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
The Challenges of HIV PMTCT Programming among Sex Workers – Experience of AIDS Information Centre (AIC) – Uganda
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Reducing HIV Exposed Babies Early Infant Diagnosis Cascade Loss: The Shoe Rack Strategy
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Assessing Final Infant Outcomes for Two Birth Cohorts of HIV Exposed Infants (HEI) in Manzini region of Eswatini
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Adoption of 2018 recommendations on infant diagnosis of HIV
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Intensive Technical Assistance supporting Early Infant Diagnosis for HIV-Exposed Infants in Mozambique
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Reasons for new paediatric HIV infections: findings from a cohort of HIV infected children screened at Harare Family Care Clinical Research Site.
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
A systematic review of risk factors for HIV acquisition during pregnancy and breastfeeding in sub-Saharan Africa
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
A systematic review and meta-analysis of HIV incidence during pregnancy and breastfeeding in sub-Saharan Africa
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
HIV vaccination in infancy to achieve lifelong protection- a real possibility?
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Monitoring and Supporting Women Living with HIV Who Choose to Breastfeed their HIV-Exposed Infants in Botswana
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Pediatric HIV case identification: Missed opportunities along the PMTCT cascade in Kenya and Uganda
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Laboratory evaluation of the Xpert® HIV‐1 Qual Assay as a point of care technology for HIV early infant diagnosis in Kenya
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Dolutegravir does not induce neural tube defects in a rat whole embryo culture system
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Point-of-care HIV testing at birth for high-risk vs. all HIV-exposed infants: preliminary results from a pilot study in Zimbabwe
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Comparison of qPCR and ddPCR methods to investigate the latent HIV reservoir in a paediatric population with long viral suppression on therapy
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Feasibility of Point-of-Care Viral Load Testing in Postpartum HIV-positive Women in South Africa: Interim Results
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019
Confirmatory testing of HIV-positive status before initiation of antiretroviral treatment: caregiver and healthcare worker experience in Ethiopian facilities
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019