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Clinical case presentation- Miłosz Parczewski, MD, PhD
Presented at:
European HIV Clinical Forum 2017
Evolution of bone mineral density and MDRD in HIV-infected patients treated with dolutegravir based regimens: results at 48- weeks- A. D'Avino
Presented at:
European HIV Clinical Forum 2017
Prospects of immunotherapy for treatment- Michael Lederman, MD
Presented at:
European HIV Clinical Forum 2017
One pill a day?: Integration novel delivery systems into routine care- Giovanni Di Perri, MD, PhD
Presented at:
European HIV Clinical Forum 2017
Understanding complexities of gut microbiome dysbiosis in HIV infected populations using a large cohor- Abigail Armstrong
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Differential responses of colonic ILCs to gut commensal bacteria altered during HIV infection- Moriah Castleman, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Milk - guiding the infant microbiome - Bruce German, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
The microbial-derived short chain fatty acid butyrate directly and differentially inhibits gut T helper cell subset activation and proliferation- Jon Kibbie
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Opening Lecture: Brain-Gut-Microbiota interactions and intestinal health- Wendy Henderson, PhD, MSN, CRNP
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Role of the microbiome in HIV vaccine response heterogeneity- James Kublin, MD, MPH
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Microbial colonization of the gut and brain development in infancy- Rebecca Knickmeyer, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Microbial dysbiosis does not alter immune activation or disease progression in SIV-infected rhesus macaques- Alexandra Ortiz
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Plasma tryptophan-kynurenine metabolites are altered with gut microbiota dysbiosis in HIV infection and associated with progression of carotid artery atherosclerosis- Qibin Qi, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Cervicovaginal microbial dynamics and its impact on HIV acquisition risk- Douglas Kwon, MD, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Vaginal lactic acid inhibits production of pro-inflammatory mediators from human cervicovaginal epithelial cells associated with HIV acquisition- Gilda Tachedjian
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Modulation of gut microbiota by indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 inhibitor during antiretroviral suppressed SIV infection in rhesus macaques- Zhang Wang
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
Effect of high-risk sexual behaviouron diversity of the vaginal microbiota and abundance of lactobacillus- Jocelyn Wessels
Presented at:
International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment 2017
The second decade: Physiology and health related issues in this decade- Natella Rakhmanina, MD, PhD, FAAP, FCP, AAHIVS
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2017
The second decade: Neurodevelopment and mental health related issues- Jackie Hoare
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2017
Adolescents and relationships and interactions with peers, family, role models, community and leaders - Rebecca Hodes
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2017
Reaching adolescent girls and boys with health care: Novel approaches- Ulrike Gilbert-Nandra, MPH, MSc
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2017
Adolescents and intimacy - sexual relationships - Saiqa Mullick, MBBCh, MSc, MPH, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2017
The Red Carpet Program- Maryanne Ombija, MPH
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2017
Health behavior modifiers- what works in adolescents- Audrey Pettifor
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2017