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Are there any special populations in treatment of HCV left?- Douglas Dieterich, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
HCV chronic infection treatment with DAA: who are the patients that are not achieving sustained virologic response?- R. Valente
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
HCV genotype 3 DAA treatment in a cohort of 284 HIV co-infected patients: a multicenter, observational, retrospective portuguese study- D. Seixas
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Real world effectiveness of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (LDV/SOF) for 8 weeks in patients coinfected with HCV and HIV-1- P. Buggish
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Clinical evolution of porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) in HCV monoinfected and HIV/HCV co-infected patients after viral eradication with direct acting agents (DAA)- P. Rodriguez Cortes
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Relapse or reinfection of hepatitis C after direct acting antiviral treatment: unravelled by phylogenetic analysis. Results from the Spanish GEHEP-004 cohort - L. Cuypers
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Acute hepatitis A outbreak among men who have sex with men in Milan: the role of HIV co-infection- M. Merli
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Outbreak of hepatitis A in men who have sex with men in 2017 - Experience in an infectious diseases department, Hospital de Curry Cabral - CHLC, Lisbon, Portugal- A.R. Garrote
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Direct acting antiviral treatment for HCV in safety net settings: Provider and HIV/HCV co-infected patient preferences- M. Peters
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Non liver and survival benefits of SVR in HCV - Marion Peters, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
The use of HIV+ or HCV+ organs in transplantation- Stefano Fagiuoli, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Case based debate: Is HCC increased with DAA therapy? Con stance- Nicolás Merchante, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Case based debate: Is HCC increased with DAA therapy? Pro stance- Douglas Dieterich, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Antifibrotics and fatty liver drugs in the pipeline- Sanjay Bhagani, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Hepatic steatosis AND Lipid proFile evolution After Hepatitis C treatment in HCV/HIV coinfected patients- J. Méndez
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Treatment of cirrhotic HCV/HIV co-infected patients with DAAs- R. Sarmento e Castro
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Regression of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with direct acting anti-viral (DAA) therapy in the country of Georgia- E. Dolmazashvili
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
HCV elimination program in Georgia: Successes and challenges- Nikoloz Chkhartishvili, MD, MS, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
What challenges remain in viral hepatitis- Jürgen Rockstroh, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
NASH and NAFLD in HIV: same or different? - Mariana Machado, MD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis Co-infection 2017
Latest Estimates for Pediatric/Adolescent HIV Prevalence and Coverage- Mary Mahy, ScD, MHSc
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2017
What Have We Learned from the ACT Initiative – identifying and treating children with HIV infection- George Siberry, MD, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2017
The Hidden Pediatric HIV Epidemic in Eastern Europe- Natella Rakhmanina, MD, PhD, FAAP, FCP, AAHIVS
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2017
Debate: Integrase Inhibitor-based ART should be first-line therapy for children- Albert Faye, PhD
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2017