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The roles of clinic-based social activities and peer support in enhancing adolescent retention in HIV care
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
Achieving Zero Viral Load Adherence through Operation Triple Zero Initiative
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
PrEP uptake and persistence in two adolescent and youth friendly facilities in inner city Johannesburg.
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
Creating Demand for HIV Testing Services (HTS) among School-aged Children
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
Treatment Outcomes in HIV Care among Children and Adult in High Volume ART Sites in Rivers State Nigeria
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
The perceived physical challenges in adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV.
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
HIV/ART profile among adolescent and young females admitted at a rural district hospital in Malawi
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
HIV seroepidemiology and co-infection among blood donors at Hôpital Sominé DOLO de Mopti, Mali.
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
Predictor factors of Helicobacter pylori infection among HIV patients at yeka sub city; cros-sectional study
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
#ISABIHIV improved uptake of HIV services in Kaduna state Nigeria
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
Outcomes of HIV-exposed but Uninfected Children in South Africa over 5 Years: Comparison to Unaffected Peers
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics 2019