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Infant exposure to dolutegravir through placental and breastmilk transfer: A population PK analysis of DolPHIN-1
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Infectious disease action plan for the global accelerator for paediatric formulations (GAP-f)
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Effect of CYP2b6 metabolizer status on levonorgestrel pharmacokinetics when combined with efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Drugs abuse and chemsex: A new challenge for antiretroviral drug-drug interaction
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Changes in drug interaction profiles for first-line HIV therapy over the 20 years of the Liverpool Drug Interaction website.
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
The initial Phase 1 evaluation of the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of GSK3640254, a next generation HIV maturation inhibitor, as assessed in healthy subjects
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Population pharmacokinetics of VRC01 in infants and adults
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
In silico design of a microarray patch as a multipurpose prevention technology
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
Efavirenz pharmacokinetics in HIV/TB coinfected persons initiating ART while receiving high dose rifapentine
Presented at:
International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology on HIV, Hepatitis and Other Antiviral Drugs 2019
COLDA_2020_abstract_40_Possible Role of Natural Killer Cells in Hepatitis C Virus Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2020
COLDA_2020_abstract_39_Outcomes of Sorafenib therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma in Ethiopia
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2020
COLDA_2020_abstract_41_Risks of developing hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic HCV-infection
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2020
COLDA_2020_abstract_48_IL-23 and MMP-9 as predictors of adverse course of psoriasis and NAFLD comorbidities
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2020
COLDA_2020_abstract_51_Hepatitis C Elimination in Rwanda: The Case-Finding Journey
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2020
COLDA_2020_abstract_52_Rwanda’s journey to achieve low prices for Hepatitis C treatment drugs
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2020