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Transmitted drug resistance mutations among antiretroviral-naÏve adult patients in northern Vietnam | Vu Phuong Thao, PhD
Presented at:
APACC 2016
Next Generation Sequencing for Detection of Drug Resistance Mutations in HIV-1 | Dr. Rakhmanaliev
Presented at:
APACC 2016
They are not kids anymore: Standing at the crossroads of adolescent HIV Care | Annette Sohn, MD
Presented at:
APACC 2016
Elimination of perinatal HIV: the Role of Safer Conception Strategies | Shannon Weber, MSW
Presented at:
APACC 2016
HIV surveillance – Are we missing out on key populations? | Yi-Chun Lo, MD
Presented at:
APACC 2016
Transmission networks among MSM | Shui-Shan Lee, MD, FRCP, FRCPA, FFPH
Presented at:
APACC 2016
Hyperlipidaemia and its association with CD4 recovery following antiretroviral therapy | Denise Chan
Presented at:
APACC 2016
Clinical case presentation | Man-Po Lee, MBBS, MSc, FHKCP, FHKAM, FRCP
Presented at:
APACC 2016
Aspartate Aminotransferase to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) is a Simple Test for Diagnosis Liver Cirrhosis in HIV Patients | Dr. K. Mariad
Presented at:
APACC 2016
Metabolic Syndrome among Malaysian HIV-Infected Patients: Preliminary Results from the HIV & Ageing Cohort | Sivaraj Naidu, MMedSc
Presented at:
APACC 2016
Development of HIV Vaccine Candidates for Prevention and Treatment | Sandhya Vasan, MD
Presented at:
APACC 2016
Abstract: Does hepatitis D in HBV/ HIV co-infected patients affect liver function? | J. Kozlowska #1
Presented at:
Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and Co-infection with HIV 2015
Abstract: Antioxidant response in patients with chronic hepatitis B or C. | K. Wójcik-Cichy #2
Presented at:
Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and Co-infection with HIV 2015
State of the Art Treatment of Hepatitis B | Maria Buti, MD, PhD
Presented at:
Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and Co-infection with HIV 2015
Abstract: Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment In Patients Coinfected With HCV/HIV | S. Fedorchenko #4
Presented at:
Central and Eastern European Meeting on Viral Hepatitis and Co-infection with HIV 2015