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HCC in a prospective cohort of HBV-infected patients in Ethiopia
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
The Significance of Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphisms for Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Egyptian Subjects Infected with Hepatitis C Virus
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Predictive factors of hepatitis B virus infection related to occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in Cameroonian patients
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Identification of Cyclase-Associated Protein-2 as a Novel Biomarker for Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Definitive Laboratory Management of HBV/HIV Coinfections in Kenya
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Hepatitis B Virus serological markers profile according to Human Immunodeficiency Virus status among children attending the Essos hospital center Yaoundé, Cameroon
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Prevalence of Hepatitis B in People Living With HIV(PLWHIV)Attending Anti-Retroviral Therapy Clinic in rural Clinics South- South Nigeria
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B, C Virus, Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Associated Risk Factors among Pregnant Women attending the Dschang District Hospital, West Region-Cameroun
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Seroprevalence of the coinfection HBV, HCV, HIV among clinic attender at Laquintinie Hospital, Douala, Cameroon
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Seroprevalence and risk factors of hepatitis B virus among human immunodeficiency virus patients at University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Referral Hospital Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia.
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
The effect of Hepatitis D Co-infection on the Immunologic and Molecular profile of Hepatitis B in Asymptomatic Chronic Hepatitis B patients in South West Nigeria
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
HBsAg, anti-HBc and anti-HBs sero-markes among HIV positive ART experienced individuals without prior HBV serology at three public hospitals, Eastern Ethiopia
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Hepatitis B and C Virus, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Co-infection and Associated Risk Factors among Pregnant Women in Bafia Health District, Cameroon: A cross-sectional study
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Interleukin 6 as a predictive biomarker of Schistosoma mansoni co-infection with hepatitis C virus and degree of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C patients
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Biochemical, hematological and immunological indices of HBV and HCV coinfection Among HIV-positive patients on ART in Bauchi, Nigeria
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
HBV infections among HIV infected mothers on ART and their exposed infants in a tertiary hospital, Nairobi Kenya
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Segregated Sero-Prevalence of HBV, HCV and HSV Co-Infections in Kenya
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Hepatitis B Virus Prevalence and Vaccine Antibody Titers in HIV-Exposed Children in Botswana
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Sustainability of Immune Response to Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination Three Years Post Vaccination Among HIV-1 Infected and Uninfected Adults in Kenya
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
The effect of Hepatitis D Co-infection on the Immunologic and Molecular profile of Hepatitis B in Chronically infected subjects in South West Nigeria
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Viral Hepatitis Among LGBT People in Uganda
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Retrospective study of medical histories of the hospitalized cases with the diagnoses of Acute Viral Hepatitis and Jaundice
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Difficulties of B and C Viral Liver in Guinea
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019
Prevalence and genetic diversity of Hepatitis B and C viruses among couples attending antenatal care in rural community in Rwanda
Presented at:
Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2019