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Unmet family planning (FP) needs among sexually active adolescent girls accessing oral PrEP services in Kenya
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
Enhancing government participation in SRHR through a multi-sectoral approach; a case narration of Kilifi County
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
Integrating Mental Health Screening into Primary Health Services: staff-buy-in as a critical component
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
Mental health of caregivers of adolescents living with HIV in western Kenya
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
HIV prevention: We forgot about the young men!
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019
MHealth solutions for adolescent and young people on HIV self-testing in Kenya.
Presented at:
International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence 2019