Elaine Abrams, MD


Dr. Abrams is a Professor of Epidemiology and Pediatrics at Columbia University with over 35 years of experience in the prevention and treatment of HIV infection and associated infectious diseases in pregnant women, children, and their families. As the Senior Director for Research at ICAP, she leads ICAP’s large research agenda and is responsible for the development of technical assistance and service programs for pediatric and perinatal prevention initiatives for ICAP programs in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Dr. Abrams served three consecutive terms as Chair of the NIH-funded IMPAACT network HIV treatment scientific committee and currently guides the network scientific agenda as a member of the Senior Leadership Group.   She chaired the WHO consolidated guidelines for the use of antiretroviral drugs, 2015-2019, introducing universal treatment, antiretrovirals for prevention, and optimized antiretroviral regimens with dolutegravir. She co-chaired the WHO Pediatric Antiretroviral Working Group and is currently co-chair of the newly formed WHO HIV, Hepatitis and STIs Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Therapeutics Working Group. She is a member of the Long-Acting/Extended-Release Antiretroviral Research Program Executive Committee, co-chairs the HPTN Biomedical Working Group and a founding member of the WHO working group on Pregnancy and Therapeutics for HIV, Hepatitis and STIs. Dr. Abrams’ research interests have focused on maternal-child health, vertical transmission, the natural history of pediatric HIV, and optimizing therapies for infants, children, adolescents and pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Elaine Abrams
Columbia University, United States