Federico García, PharmD, PhD


Federico García, Ph.D., has worked for the past 10 years in the Microbiology Department of the University Hospital San Cecilio, Granada, Spain, where he serves, since October 2009, as Head of Department. He has served as an Associate Professor in Microbiology for the University of Granada. He is the former Vice President of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases & Clinical Microbiology

Dr. Garcia is on hospital and medical school committees, and national and European committees related with HIV resistance. He coordinates the Spanish HIV Research Network Work Package on subtypes and resistance and contributes with several European organizations on HIV resistance (ESAR, Eurocord-CHAIN) and hepatitis resistance (HEPVIR).  He has been actively involved in recent research on Transmitted Drug Resistance in Spain and Europe, on genotypic investigation on HIV viral Tropism, and on clinical significance of HIV low and very low-level viraemia. He is now actively involved in hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus research activities.

He is a past president of GEHEP (Spanish Viral Hepatitis Study Group of the Clinical Microbiology & Infectious diseases Spanish Society), and the coordinator of HEPCRESP, the Spanish national cohort on HCV resistance to new DAAs. He is the current President of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases & Clinical Microbiology and Director of the Andalusian Plan on viral hepatitis elimination.

Dr. Garcia received his Ph.D. from the University of Granada and is a member of professional and scientific societies, including the European Society for Antiviral Resistance, the Spanish Group for AIDS study, and the Spanish Group for Hepatitis Study.  He is reviewer of HIV & HCV papers for national and international journals.

Garcia, Federico 2024
Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Spain