APACC 2025
Meeting category
12 Jun 2025 - 14 Jun 2025
Tokyo, Japan
Meeting type
Hybrid Conference

10th APACC 2025

What's New
  • APACC 2025 will take place in Tokyo International Exchange Center - Plaza Heisei, Tokyo, Japan, from 12-14 June

  • We are proud to include JSAR (Japanese Society for AIDS Research) as a local partner for APACC 2025!

  • Join us in celebrating the 10th anniversary at APACC 2025. Register here.

  • To stay updated on the relevant developments, make sure you are signed up for our newsletter

About the Program

Over the years, enormous progress has been made in the fight against HIV and co-infections. Both academia and industry have contributed greatly to equipping the medical community with the best medications and expertise possible to optimally treat people living with HIV. However, international platforms for scientific interchange are not always accessible to medical professionals worldwide due to budget and travel restrictions. Also, most major conferences do not usually address local and regional issues. In particular, the Asian medical community in this field of research currently has very few platforms that serve the needs of HIV healthcare professionals in this region.

The Asia-Pacific AIDS & Co-Infections Conference (APACC) provides a much-needed scientific platform that focuses on the developments, issues, and needs in the Asia-Pacific region. Researchers have the opportunity to present and discuss the latest developments and are offered opportunities for interaction, networking, and building collaborations. Top experts integrate science and clinical practice through state-of-the-art lectures, clinical case discussions, round table discussions, and debates in order to reach a consensus on best practices and inform how treatment guidelines are implemented.

Program Chairs
Local Chairs
General Information 
Who Should Attend?
- Residents, post-graduates, and PhD students;

- Government agency personnel, NGO representatives, and health authority personnel;

- Industry representatives;

- Social workers, advocates, and community workers; and

- Other healthcare professionals involved in treating HIV and co-infected patients.
Meeting Objectives
This conference aims to:

- Build a community of healthcare professionals devoted to providing optimal clinical care for their patients;

- Create a platform for interactive information exchange on novel treatment strategies and options;

- Translate the latest studies and research achievements into clinical guidance for the optimal management of people living with HIV.
Learning Objectives
After participating in this conference, participants will be able to:

- Describe the similarities and differences between the different international/ regional treatment guidelines;

- Select optimal treatment strategies for their patients understanding the various clinical parameters affecting the choice of regimens;

- Recall to latest developments for HIV prevention;

- Discuss the suitability of oral versus intramuscular injections for prevention/treatment;

- Summarize and compare the options for starting antiretroviral treatment;

- Describe the concept of early diagnosis and rapid start;

- Review the treatment options for patients failing on their current regimen.
Practical Information 
The APACC 2025 will take place in the Tokyo International Exchange Center - Plaza Heisei, Tokyo, Japan.

The address is:
2 Chome-2-1 Aomi,
Koto City, Tokyo
135-0064, Japan

Distance from Haneda Airport Passenger Terminal: 15km
Distance from Narita International Airport: 70km
Distance from Tokyo International Cruise Terminal Station: 220m, about 3 mins walk
Entry Requirements
Any foreign visitor entering Japan must have a valid passport for the duration of their stay, and all visitors must comply with the conditions of their visas.

Please see here for details about visa: https://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/index.html
Accommodation is not included in the registration fee.
All participants are requested to wear the badge at all times during the conference to ensure admission to the conference.
Certificate of Attendance
A certificate of attendance will be sent to you after successfully completing the conference and post-meeting survey.
The official language of the conference is English
Translation will not be provided.
Enduring Materials
Enduring materials will be available to all registered delegates on the virtual conference portal for 3 weeks after the conference. After this, all presentations will be made publicly available on this website (pending the approval of the speakers).
This conference is intended for educational purposes only and aims to offer participants the opportunity to share information. The Organizing Secretariat of this conference, Virology Education, cannot accept any liability for the scientific content of the sessions or for any claims which may result from the use of information or publications from this conference. Virology Education disclaims all liability for injuries or losses of whatever nature incurred by individuals attending the conference.
Liability and Insurance
By registering for the conference participants agree that the organizers do not accept responsibility for medical-, travel- or personal insurance. Participants are advised to take out their own insurance policies.
Photographs, Audio, and Video Recording
Photographs, audio, and video recordings are not permitted at the official conference sessions. Only the official medical writer appointed by the organization may make recordings. All presentations will be posted here as soon as possible after the conference is finished, provided the speaker has given permission to do so.
Code of Conduct
All attendees, speakers, co-organizers, partners, endorsers, suppliers, volunteers, and employees at any of our programs are expected to observe our Code of Conduct. We cannot tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, disrespect, or the marginalization of those involved in our programs. All participants of VE and AME-organized programs are expected to treat others with dignity and respect at all times.

Any individual who feels discriminated against, harassed, disrespected, or marginalized is encouraged to report the incident(s) to VE and AME via info@amededu.com or to one of our on-site personnel.
Any participant who is found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be removed from the conference.

Registration for APACC 2025 is open!

Fees and Conditions

Regular Delegates

In Person

Regular Delegates



In Person



Early Fee
(payment before/on 11 November 2024)






Standard Fee
(payment before/on 11 April 2025)






Late Fee
(payment from 12 April 2025)







Abstract submitters who are eligible as Early-Career Investigators (ECI) / Regular Delegates from a Resource-Limited Setting (RLS)

50% discount on the early fee

Abstract submitters who are eligible as Regular delegates from a high-income countries

Early applicable fee

Early-Career Investigators (ECI) & Regular Delegates from a Resource-Limited Setting (RLS)

50% discount on the current applicable fee

Representatives of endorsing organizations

25% discount on the current applicable fee

Representatives of sponsoring industry

Please contact the conference secretariat

Regular delegates from Japan

€185.00 ****

Financial Concerns

To receive the discount/fee waiver, please submit a signed letter to apply. For details, please contact the conference secretariat.

The "Regular Delegate" category includes:
- Healthcare professionals (HCPs) (professionals that provide any type of health care service to people living with HIV or other diseases) and patient representatives;
- NGOs and activists;
- Government officials, representatives, and policymakers;
- Researchers;
- Students in a relevant field; and
- People Living with HIV

The "Industry Delegate" category includes:
- Representatives from industry
- Medical education providers
- Investment companies, and others not listed above

* Countries included in the low-income and lower middle-income economies list of the World Bank Classification

** Industry representatives may receive a discount based on the level of support provided to the event. For more support and registration information, please contact us at karen.lam@amededu.com.

*** Contact the Conference Secretariat at karen.lam@amededu.com to claim your code to register at a discount rate.

**** The registration fee for regular delegates from Japan cannot be combined with other discounts. Please contact the Conference Secretariat at karen.lam@amededu.com to receive the link to register.

  • We strongly advise that you register early to ensure your registration. Registration will close when the capacity of the venue is reached.

  • Submission of your online registration does not guarantee that your registration has been accepted. Your registration is final when full prepayment has been received and a confirmation of your registration has been sent.

Registration Fee Includes
For onsite attendees:

- Access to all scientific sessions, including poster area

- Conference pack, including digital abstract book and program

- Refreshments during the coffee breaks

- Lunch on whole conference days

For virtual attendees only:

- Access to all scientific sessions

- Digital conference pack, including the program


- No day rate is available

- Payment can only be made by credit card.

- Virology Education reserves the right to cancel improper registrations. Claims for a refund will not be honored.
Group Registration
For registration of groups larger than 5 participants, please contact the conference secretariat at Karen.Lam@amededu.com.
Early-Career Investigators / Academia from Resource-limited Settings (RLS)
We are pleased to provide a 50% discount on the early fee for abstract submitters who are eligible as Early-Career Investigators (ECI) / Regular Delegates from a resource-limited setting (RLS), or a 50% discount on the current applicable fee for Early-Career Investigators (ECI) & Regular Delegates from a resource-limited setting (RLS) without submitting an abstract.

IMPORTANT: The fee waiver is offered to the presenting author only.

To be eligible as an early-career investigator, one should either be a current Master/PhD student or have obtained an MD/PharmD/PhD degree in the last five years. An application form needs to be completed by a supervisor and received by the Virology Education secretariat at least two weeks prior to the start of the workshop. Virology Education will contact the early-career investigator with instructions regarding the registration procedure.
By credit card only: online or by written authorization (see online registration).
Cancellation Policy
In case of cancellation, the following refunds are applicable:

- Cancellation before/on 12 May 2025: 50% refund (minus an administration fee of €40)

- Cancellation after 12 May 2025: Unfortunately, no refund will be given

If you are unable to attend the conference, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charge, provided that a letter of authorization from the original participant has been received and the conference secretariat has been notified of the name of the substitute delegate before 29 May 2025. A statement (email/letter) of cancellation must be sent to Virology Education.
Is there a local registration?
Yes! Regular delegates from Japan (host country) can register for APACC 2025 at the discounted fee of €185.00.

Please contact the Conference Secretariat at Karen.lam@amededu.com to receive the link to register.

This special fee cannot be combined with other discounts. It is only available for regular delegates (see definition above).
Liability and Insurance
By registering for the conference, participants agree that the organizers do not accept responsibility for medical, travel, or personal insurance. Participants are advised to take out their own insurance policies.
Media Registration
In order to register as a media participant for the Conference, the conference secretariat needs to receive:

1. Proof of accreditation
2. Valid identification (e.g. passport)
3. A letter from your assignment giver stating the details of your assignment (e.g. editor)
4. At least 3 previous written assignments in recognized outlets on HIV. If you are a freelance journalist, the assignments can be from different (recognizable) news outlets. Links to online publications are accepted
5. The website of the publication(s)/blog(s) that will be featuring your story on this workshop

A complimentary or reduced registration fee may apply for accredited media participants depending on availability. Preference will be given to credible print and online news sources. Please contact the conference secretariat for registration conditions.

We would like to receive a copy of your conference report/ article once it is finalized.
All credentials will be verified by the Organizing Committee of the conference. Media representatives are kindly requested to register by sending the above-mentioned information to info@amededu.com.

Important: Media is restricted to the written press. Recording on film or photo is not allowed. Virology Education will request a copy of the written piece once it is finalized. Media representatives must also agree to abide by the 2025 embargo policy.
This conference is intended for educational purposes only and aims to offer participants the opportunity to share information. The organizing secretariat of this conference, Virology Education, cannot accept any liability for the scientific content of the sessions or for any claims which may result from the use of information or publications from this conference. Virology Education disclaims all liability for injuries or losses of whatever nature incurred by individuals attending the conference. In case of cancellation of the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, Virology Education cannot be held responsible for expenses made for travel, accommodation, visa applications, etc.
Early Career Investigator

Please download and complete the below form. 

After completing the form, please return it to the conference secretariat at karen.lam@amededu.com

- parallel sessions
Preliminary Program

The program is currently under development. 

The program of APACC 2024 can be found here

Preliminary Program

Day 1 - Thursday, 12 June 2025

Plenary Session 1 - Opening Session - 13:30
13:30 JST
Welcome to the Conference
Joseph Tucker, MD, PhD, AM
UNC Chapel Hill, United States
Junko Tanuma, MD, PhD
International University of Health and Welfare, Chiba, Japan
13:40 JST
Opening Words
Kota Iwahashi, MPH
AKTA, Japan
13:45 JST
Changing Landscape of Funding: How Does this Affect Research and Advocacy
Junko Tanuma, MD, PhD
International University of Health and Welfare, Chiba, Japan
13:45 JST
Sustainability of Global HIV Response from an Academic Perspective
Adeeba Kamarulzaman, FRACP, HonLLD (Monash)
President and Pro Vice Chancellor, Monash University, Malaysia
14:05 JST
Sustainability of Global HIV Response from a Community Perspective
14:25 JST
Panel Discussion
Kevin Robert Frost, BM
amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, USA
Adeeba Kamarulzaman, FRACP, HonLLD (Monash)
President and Pro Vice Chancellor, Monash University, Malaysia
15:00 JST
Coffee Break, Exhibition & Poster Viewing
Parallel Session 1: Community-Led Monitoring -
15:45 JST
Broad Benefits of Community-led Monitoring: Beyond Health Facility Monitoring
Nalinikanta Rajkumar, BA
Community Network for Empowerment (CoNE), India
16:00 JST
Best Practice Example 2 - Japan
16:10 JST
Abstract Presentation #1
16:20 JST
Abstract Presentation #2
16:30 JST
Abstract Presentation #3
16:40 JST
Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 2: Emerging Infections - MPOX -
15:45 JST
Mpox - Clinical Case
Ligang Yang, MD, MSc
Southern Medical University, Quality Control Center for STI Diagnosis and Treatment, China
16:00 JST
Abstract Presentation #4
16:10 JST
Abstract Presentation #5
16:20 JST
Abstract Presentation #6
16:30 JST
Abstract Presentation #7
16:40 JST
Panel Discussion
Industry Supported Symposium - 17:00
17:00 JST
Industry Supported Symposium
18:00 JST
Welcome Reception, Exhibition & Poster Viewing

Day 2: Friday 13 June 2025

Capacity Building Session 1 -
08:00 JST
Capacity Building Session 1
Capacity Building Session 2 -
08:00 JST
Capacity Building Session 2
Plenary Session 2: Prevention - Implementation of PrEP/PEP Strategies -
09:00 JST
Long Acting Lenacapivir for HIV Prevention / Challenges in Production and Implementation in Places that Need it Most
Nittaya Phanuphak, MD, PhD
Institute of HIV Research and Innovation in Bangkok, Thailand
09:15 JST
Pay-it-forward and social network distribution to increase doxy-PEP uptake among MSM in China
Thomas Fitzpatrick, MD, MPH
University of Washington, United States; University of North Carolina (UNC) - South China STD Research Training Center, China
09:30 JST
Abstract Presentation #8
09:40 JST
Abstract Presentation #9
09:50 JST
Abstract Presentation #10
10:00 JST
Panel Discussion
10:15 JST
Coffee Break, Exhibition & Poster Viewing
Parallel Session 3: Sexual Health and STI Prevention/Treatment -
10:45 JST
Surge of STI - Congenital Syphilis Pregnant Women
Junko Tanuma, MD, PhD
International University of Health and Welfare, Chiba, Japan
11:00 JST
Abstract Presentation #11
11:10 JST
Abstract Presentation #12
11:20 JST
Abstract Presentation #13
11:30 JST
Abstract Presentation #14
11:40 JST
Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 4: Advanced HIV Disease -
10:45 JST
Clinical Case Presentation
11:00 JST
Abstract Presentation #15
11:10 JST
Abstract Presentation #16
11:20 JST
Abstract Presentation #17
11:30 JST
Abstract Presentation #18
11:40 JST
Panel Discussion
Guided Poster Tours - 12:00
12:00 JST
Tour #1
Ye Zhang, MSc, PhD
Nanjing Medical University, China
12:00 JST
Tour #2
Rong Xiang Ng, MBBS (UM), MRCP (UK), MIntMed(UM), DTM&H (RCP London)
Infectious Diseases Unit, Department of Medicine, Centre of Excellence for Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS (CERiA), Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
12:00 JST
Tour #3
13:00 JST
Lunch, Exhibition & Poster Viewing
Parallel Session 5: HIV-TB - Shorter Regimens / Availability -
14:00 JST
Invited Lecture
14:15 JST
Abstract Presentation #19
14:25 JST
Abstract Presentation #20
14:35 JST
Abstract Presentation #21
14:45 JST
Abstract Presentation #22
14:55 JST
Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 6: Mental Health -
14:00 JST
Clinical Case Presentation
Meng Li Chong, MCounseling, BPsy
University of Malaya, Malaysia
14:15 JST
Abstract Presentation #23
14:25 JST
Abstract Presentation #24
14:35 JST
Abstract Presentation #25
14:45 JST
Abstract Presentation #26
14:55 JST
Panel Discussion
15:15 JST
Coffee Break, Exhibition & Poster Viewing
Parallel session 7: Viral Hepatitis -
15:45 JST
Strategies for viral hepatitis elimination in Japan
Tatsuya Kanto, MD, PhD
Research Center for Hepatitis and Immunology, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan
16:00 JST
Abstract Presentation #27
16:10 JST
Abstract Presentation #28
16:20 JST
Abstract Presentation #29
16:30 JST
Abstract Presentation #30
16:40 JST
Panel Discussion
Parallel Session 8: Women & HIV -
15:45 JST
Women with HIV in the Asia Pacific: Bridging Gaps, Driving Change
16:00 JST
Abstract Presentation #31
16:10 JST
Abstract Presentation #32
16:20 JST
Abstract Presentation #33
16:30 JST
Abstract Presentation #34
16:40 JST
Panel Discussion
Industry Supported Symposium - 17:00
17:00 JST
Industry Supported Symposium
NGO Satellite Symposium - 18:00
18:00 JST
NGO Satellite Symposium

Day 3 - Saturday, 14 June 2025

Capacity Building Session 3 -
08:00 JST
Capacity Building Session 3
Community - 08:00
08:00 JST
Community Session
Plenary session 3: Implementation Research -
09:00 JST
IS Training & Research
09:15 JST
Abstract Presentation #35
09:25 JST
Abstract Presentation #36
09:35 JST
Abstract Presentation #37
09:45 JST
Abstract Presentation #38
09:55 JST
Panel Discussion
10:15 JST
Coffee Break, Exhibition & Poster Viewing
10:45 JST Debate -
Annette Sohn, MD, PhD
TREAT Asia/amfAR, Thailand
Pro Standpoint - Clinical Perspective
Nagalingeswaran Kumarasamy, MD, FRCP, PhD
Voluntary Health Services, Infectious Diseases Medical Centre, India
Pro Standpoint - Community Perspective
Con Standpoint - Clinical Perspective
Rayner Kay Jin Tan, PhD
Saw Swee Hock School Of Public Health, National University Of Singapore, Singapore
Con Standpoint - Community Perspective
Danvic Rosadiño, DIH
LoveYourself Inc., Philippines
Plenary Session 4: Care Models for Older People -
11:45 JST
WHO - Uptake of ICOPE in HIV Program
12:00 JST
ICOPE Challenges/Experience in Malaysia
Reena Rajasuriar, MPharm, PhD
University of Malaya, Malaysia
12:15 JST
Nurse-Led Model for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments
Cheng Hong, MSN, BSc, CCNC, RN
National Centre for Infectious Diseases / Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
12:30 JST
Panel Discussion
13:00 JST
Closing Remarks
Joseph Tucker, MD, PhD, AM
UNC Chapel Hill, United States
Junko Tanuma, MD, PhD
International University of Health and Welfare, Chiba, Japan
13:05 JST
End of Conference

Abstract submission is closed. The deadline was Friday 7 March 2025.

Abstract submission deadline: 7 March, 2025 23:59 JST

APACC provides a platform for investigators in the Asia-Pacific region to present their latest research or share their experiences in the field of HIV and co-infections!

APACC accepts encore and industry-submitted abstracts as long as the research is focused on the Asia-Pacific and has new data at the time of the conference.

Abstract submitters who are eligible as Early-Career Investigators (ECI) / Regular Delegates from a Resource-Limited Setting (RLS) enjoy a 50% discount on the Early Fee. Abstract submitters who are eligible as Regular delegates from high-income countries enjoy the early applicable fee. 

All abstract presenters are expected to attend on-site. 

To stay updated on the recent developments, make sure you are signed up for our newsletter

Co-submission of abstracts with IAS 2025 is allowed. You can submit your abstract(s) to both APACC 2025 and IAS 2025 as long as you comply with the IAS 2025 embargo policy. The co-submission agreement does not apply to IAS 2025 late-breaker abstracts.

IAS 2025 logo
General Guidelines

APACC 2025 welcomes two types of abstracts:

  • “Lessons learned” abstracts: What worked and what did not work? Share your experiences and exchange ideas with a multidisciplinary audience. "Lessons learned abstracts" can be submitted in a descriptive (non-structured) format.
  • Research abstracts: Present the latest results from your study or research and discuss the findings with an expert audience. "Research abstracts" should contain the following four components:
    • Background: A concise statement of the issue under investigation or a hypothesis;
    • Material and Methods: The experimental methods used (including the statistical analyses employed);
    • Results: Specific findings (promises such as "to be completed" or "to be presented" are not acceptable);
    • Conclusions: A summary of findings that are supported by your results (statistical analyses used to support the conclusions, where appropriate, should be included; concluding statements such as "the results will be discussed" are not acceptable).

Abstract submitters are strongly encouraged to use person-first language in their abstracts. View the video tutorial and guidelines here

Please note that abstracts cannot be accepted if tables or graphs are included.

The maximum word count for the abstract body is 500 words.

Abstracts are considered official communications to the conference and will be treated confidentially.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting an abstract to a meeting organized by Virology Education BV (VE) or Academic Medical Education BV (AME), the abstract submitter hereby agrees to the terms and conditions.

The terms and conditions can be viewed here

Categories for Abstract Submission
For purposes of review and programming, abstracts are divided into topical categories. The selection of the most appropriate category is important as it determines who reviews your abstract. The Program Committee reserves the right to reassign your abstract to a more appropriate category.


- Antiretroviral Drug Resistance
- Antiretroviral Treatment Strategies
- Co-Morbidities (NCDs) in PLWH
- Sexually Transmitted Infections in PLWH and Those at Risk
- Diagnostic and Monitoring Tests for HIV
- HIV Transmission and Treatment in Children and Adolescents
- HIV Therapy / Care in Aging PLWH
- Linkage and Retention in Care
- Non-ART Strategies and Therapies
- Use of Digital Tools in Clinical Practice
- Emerging Infections

- Approaches / Tools for HIV Prevention
- Epidemiology and Surveillance of HIV / STIs / Hepatitis
- Feasibility and Impact of Structural Interventions
- Population-Specific Interventions and Prevention Strategies
- Prevention of Vertical Transmission
- Behavioral HIV / STI / Hepatitis Research

- Stigma
- Implementation science of scaling up prevention (including PrEP)
- Implementation science of scaling up HIV testing
- Implementation science of scaling up HIV treatment
- Scaling up access to models of integrated services
- Innovations in behavioral data collection and use
- Innovative uses of data to strengthen systems and programmes
- Strategies to enhance communication and implementation
- Use of digital tools

- Diagnostics and Treatment of Co-Infections
- Epidemiology and Surveillance of Co-Infections
- HBV Therapeutics and Approaches
- HCV Therapeutics and Approaches
- Novel TB Treatment Strategies
Abstract Submission
Authors can submit their abstracts electronically until the deadline: 7 March, 2025 23:59 JST.

By clicking the abstract submission link (up above), you will be redirected to the submission website. Please follow the step-by-step directions to upload the abstract.

To ensure your abstract retains any special characters or formatting, the abstract must be in Microsoft Word format.
Early-Career Investigators / Academia from Resource-limited Settings (RLS)
We are pleased to offer a 50% discount on the Early fee for abstract submitters who are eligible as Early-Career Investigators (ECI) / Regular Delegates from a Resource-Limited Setting (RLS)

IMPORTANT: the registration fee waiver is offered to the presenting author of the abstract only.

Applicants should:

- Be a current Master/ PharmD/ PhD student; OR
- Have obtained an MD/ PharmD/ PhD degree in the last five years.

An application form (available below) needs to be completed by a supervisor and received by the Virology Education at least 2 weeks before the start of the conference.

Virology Education will contact those with instructions regarding registration for the conference once the application has been received.
Poster Presentation Instructions
- Printed posters must meet the following dimensions A0 size (approx. 33" x 47" / 84 cm x 119 cm) in portrait format.

- E-posters should be prepared and uploaded on the online platform in PDF. (Your PDF poster will be displayed in the virtual Poster Gallery throughout the conference and will be available on our website after the conference days.)

- Please display the number of your poster in the upper right corner of your poster.

- If you wish to allow people to reach out directly to you, please display your contact details on your poster (virtual & physical).

Once on site:
- Please hang your posters as early as possible. All posters must be displayed from the opening session to the closure of the meeting. Pushpins and/or velcro will be provided.

- Poster presenters are requested to stand near their posters during the poster session. We advise you to prepare hand-outs of your poster in Letter or A4 format.
Notification of Abstract Acceptance and Presentation Format
It is the responsibility of the corresponding/presenting author to inform all co-authors of the abstract’s status. We aim to send out notifications at least 1.5 months prior to the start date of the event. Please notify the Conference Secretariat if you have not received a notification by mid-April. If your abstract is accepted, one author is required to register for the conference and present the paper as scheduled. Guidelines for preparing your oral and/or poster presentations will be sent after your abstract has been accepted.
Platinum Level
Silver Level
Support Our Initiative

Financial backing helps us deliver an impactful conference experience for the benefit of healthcare professionals and community representatives involved in HIV and co-infections with HIV.
This collaboration plays a vital role in both the organizational as well as scientific success of the program.

To show your commitment to the cause and get in touch with us for a tailored support package for APACC 2025, please contact Rikke Puggaard-Rode at rikke.rode@amededu.com.
Benefits of Support
By supporting this program, we can offer the following advantages for your company.* Please contact us for the most recent support level benefits for this program.

  • Symposium opportunities
  • Non-commercial interviews with company representatives
  • Verbal acknowledgement during the program 
  • Discounted and complimentary registrations for your representatives
  • Company acknowledgement on digital meeting materials including but not limited to newsletters, flyers, the streaming platform, and our website
  • Company acknowledgement on printed meeting materials including but not limited to banners and the program book
  • Digital and printed advertising opportunities 
  • Social media shout-outs
  • Logo on the conference bag 

*Subject to the support level.

Organizing Committee
The members of the Organizing Committee are a group of carefully selected experts and inspirational leaders in their respective fields. They meet frequently to discuss the scientific program of the workshop, identify interesting topics and candidate speakers, and review all submitted abstracts.
Scientific Committee
The members of Scientific Committee are hand-picked by the Organizing Committee and the conference secretariat based on their significant contributions and commitment to the field. They assist the Organizing Committee by providing them with suggestions for speakers and topics. In addition, members of the Scientific Committee participate in reviewing submitted abstracts, and play an active role during the workshop as moderators and/or chairs of sessions.
APACC Fellows (2025-2026)
The purpose of the APACC Fellows Program is to provide early-career investigators with an opportunity to learn about HIV and co-infection research, conference organization, and leadership through serving on the Organizing Committee of APACC. Fellows will help to develop conference session content for other early-career investigators and promote APACC over a two-year term. The Organizing Committee is responsible for the overall content of the conference program, driving conference engagement, and selecting abstracts and panel topics. Fellows will receive support to attend the conference for each of the two years in which they participate (remotely or in-person, as appropriate). 
Scientific Program Coordinator
Scholarship applications will be opening soon!

Virology Education (VE), with support from the industry, is offering scholarships to Regular Delegates from the Asia-Pacific region to attend APACC 2025 from 12 to 14 June in Tokyo. The scholarship covers registration, and/or travel and accommodation. 

The scholarships are supported by industry. These companies will have no control, influence, or involvement in the selection of any attendees.

Virology Education is proud to support participation from professionals from underrepresented communities. We strongly recognize the value of conducting our programs with a diverse and inclusive representation of the scientific and medical global community, welcoming a range of backgrounds, experiences, and opinions and embracing the benefits that these differences bring. This diversity and equity are essential to our mission of advancing clinical care and scientific research worldwide.

Read our Code of Conduct

What does the Scholarship Cover?
  • Full Scholarship:

    • Registration to the APACC 2025
    • Accommodation
    • Travel
  • Partial Scholarship:

    • Registration to the APACC 2025
    • Accommodation
  • Registration Scholarship: 

    • Registration to the APACC 2025

  • Please note that successful scholarship applicants are required to attend the APACC 2025 and any confirmed pre-meetings in full.

What is Expected from the Scholarship Recipents?

All scholarship awardees are required to attend the full meetings. Awardees must sign in at the beginning of each meeting day and sign off at the end of each day as requested by the Conference Organizer. At the close of the Conference, awardees must have completed the daily and overall conference evaluations.

Recipient will provide post-meeting feedback and a summary about his/her conference experience within one month after the end of the conference. The feedback questionnaire will be an online survey with the recipient providing feedback on their experience at the conference, scholarship procedure, and how they will implement the knowledge acquired at the meeting in their daily practice. The questionnaire will be sent to each recipient by email within one week after the conclusion of the conference.


Applicants must:

  • Be proficient in English to interact with faculty and fellow attendees
  • Be actively involved in the field of HIV 
  • Be able to show benefits to their patients / research / community from attending the meetings
  • Be willing and able to share information learned at the meetings with a larger community
  • Be eligible to obtain a visa for travel. Declare that she/he is able and willing to fund all other costs beyond the scholarship that are involved in attending the meetings, e.g. all other hotel, travel, and subsistence expenses NOT covered by the scholarship.
  • Declare to take out her/his own insurance policies (for travel, liability, illness, and/or other necessary insurance in relation to her/his participation to the conference).
  • Conference organizer will automatically decline all scholarship applications that do not conform to the eligibility terms
Application Procedure

The scholarship applications must be submitted online through our Scholarship Application Portal by the deadline. The applicant will be asked to submit a motivational letter (max. 200 words) describing how their patients/research/community will benefit from the knowledge gained at these meetings, and their knowledge dissemination strategy, a CV, and a letter of recommendation (optional).

  • All applications will be acknowledged upon receipt.
  • All applications will be reviewed by an independent Scholarship Review Committee
  • Successful applicants will be sent a scholarship agreement.
  • After receipt of the signed scholarship agreement, successful applicants will receive instructions for further arrangements.
  • All applicants will receive notification of the application status no later than 2 weeks prior to the meeting. 
Selection Criteria
  • Professional background
  • Quality of the abstract (if accepted)
  • Country of residence
  • Recommendation by your supervisor
  • Demonstrable benefits to patients / research / community by the knowledge to be gained at this meeting
  • Strategy of knowledge dissemination
  • Early-Career Investigator
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered. Conference Organizer cannot be held responsible for any incorrect information that is submitted through the scholarship application portal.
  • All travel arrangements will be made by Conference Organizer in collaboration with their preferred business travel partner. Conference Organizer cannot reimburse any travel costs made by participants themselves.
  • Retrospective applications will not be considered.
  • Scholarship recipients are required to attend the APACC and any confirmed pre-meetings in full.
  • Scholarship recipients are committed to attend the meetings in person. If they fail to do so, they will be charged the full amount of the travel and accommodation costs incurred and will be excluded from applications for future scholarships of Conference Organizer.
  • Scholarships are non-transferrable.
  • Conference Organizer cannot guarantee awarding the scholarship to prospective scholarship recipients until the confirmation of available funds. In the event that sufficient funding for the scholarship is not available, Conference Organizer will not be liable for any expenses or damages incurred by the prospective scholarship recipient with regards to the scholarship application and/or preparation for the meeting.
  • Applications will be considered until the exhaustion of funds.
  • Scholarship recipients will be responsible for all other costs associated with conference attendance.
  • Conference Organizer will not be liable for any injury, death, damage, loss, delay, cost, expense, or inconvenience, causes of action claims and suits for property damage, theft of property or personal injury (including death) arising in connection with the scholarship and participation in the Conference.
  • Conference Organizer reserves the right to make the final decision regarding all applications, which cannot be disputed.
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