Meeting category
29 Jun 2019

Asian Stigma & Discrimination Forum 2019

Related Enduring Materials

Enduring Materials
- 14:10
14:10 HKT
The 90-90-90 goals and Fast Track Cities - A success story?
Taslima Rashid
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, United Kingdom
14:40 HKT
Home is where the heart is: Institutional Stigma in Asia
15:00 HKT
Stigma discrimination – Transgender’s perspective
Rena Janamnuaysook, MBA
Institute of HIV Research and Innovation, Thailand
15:20 HKT
Stigma discrimination - the Asia Pacific/Southeast Asia story
Bruce Agins, MD, MPH
University of California, San Francisco, United States
16:10 HKT
Stigma discrimination - Health Care perspective - how deep is the problem really (on the ground experience)
Do Huu Thuy, MD, MPH
Vietnam Authority of AIDS Control (VAAC), Ministry of Health, Vietnam
16:30 HKT
Panel discussion: How to move forward
Nittaya Phanuphak, MD, PhD
Institute of HIV Research and Innovation in Bangkok, Thailand