Meeting category
15 Jun 2018
Toronto, Canada

Canadian HIV Clinical Forum 2018

Related Enduring Materials

Enduring Materials

Day 1 - Friday, 15 June 2018

Session 1: Optimizing Routine HIV Clinical Management - Resistance -
State of the ART: What’s the same – what’s different – Is it clinicially relevant?
Eric Arts
Eric Arts, PhD
Western University, London (Canada)
Heavily treatment experienced patients: Time to use once daily streamlined regimens? (Not yet available)
Jonathan Schapiro, MD
National Hemophilia Center, Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Clinical case presentation (Not available)
Mona Loutfy, MD, FRCPC, MPH
Women's College Research Institute (Univ. Toronto), Canada
Session 2: Optimizing Routine HIV Clinical Management - Pharmacology -
State of the ART: What’s the same – what’s different – is it clinicially relevant?
Charles Flexner, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, United States
Managing drug-drug interactions in patients with multiple co-medications
Alice Tseng, B.Sc.Phm., PharmD, FCSHP, AAHIVP
Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada
Optimizing Routine HIV Clinical Management - Toxicity and Side Effects -
Monitoring and avoiding integrase inhibitor toxicity
Gordon Arbess, MD, CCFP
St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto (Canada)
Reducing HIV associated inflammation – do the drugs matter?
Darrell Tan, BSc, MD, FRCPC, PhD
St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada
Session 3: Optimizing Routine HIV Clinical Management - Looking at the Future -
Improving care of HIV infected women: What needs to be done?
Sharon Walmsley, CM, MD, FRCPC
University Health Network, Canada
Reduced drug regimens – Pros and Cons
Gary Rubin, MD, MCFP, AAHIVS
University of Toronto, Canada
Novel drug delivery systems: will they have a place in routine HIV clinical care? (Not yet available)
Courtney Fletcher
Courtney Fletcher, PharmD
University of Nebraska, Omaha (NE, USA)
Session 4: Roundtable Discussion -
Roundtable Discussion: What should HIV care look like in 2023?

We would like to thank you for joining us at the Canadian HIV Clinical Forum: Integrase Inhibitors 2018 in Toronto, Canada! With excellent discussions and lectures during this meeting, it was a great success!

Presentation materials have now been posted on this website, provided that speaker's permission was granted.


The HIV CLINICAL FORUM is developed as part of a series of interactive programs that provide independent medical education on emerging topics in HIV. The program features International and regions experts in order to provide HIV clinicians and allied healthcare professionals with updates on the latest developments related to HIV management, providing opportunities for sharing of clinical experience and presenting results from ongoing and completed cohorts/research programs.

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