Meeting category
13 Sep 2018 - 15 Sep 2018
Nairobi, Kenya
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Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2018

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Day 1 - Thursday, 13 September 2018

Introduction to Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease -
Mark Nelson, MA, MBBS, FRCP
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital / Imperial College Medical School, United Kingdom
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Clinical spectrum of liver disease in Africa
The ABC of viral hepatitis
Mark Thursz
Mark Thursz, MRCP
Imperial College, St Mary's Hospital, UK
Essential diagnostic tools for viral hepatitis (Not available)
Elijah Songok, MD, PhD
Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya
Session 1: HCC and its management -
Mark Nelson, MA, MBBS, FRCP
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital / Imperial College Medical School, United Kingdom
Reena Shah, MD
Aga Khan University, Kenya
Burden of Liver Disease in North Africa
Ayman Yosry
Ayman Yosry
Cairo University, Egypt
The global challenge of viral hepatitis
Olufunmilayo Lesi, MD, MBA, FWACP, FMCP
World Health Organization, Switzerland
Session 2: HIV-Hepatitis Coinfections -
Kosh Agarwal, MD
King’s College Hospital, United Kingdom
Edford Sinkala
Edford Sinkala, BScHB, MBChB, MMed, PhD, FRCP
University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia
The dangers of not treating-modelling the viral hepatitis epidemic in Africa (Not available)
Shevanthi Nayagam
Shevanthi Nayagam, MBBS
Imperial College, UK
Hepatitis D - a forgotten foe?
Richard Njouom
Richard Njouom, PhD
Centre Pasteur, Cameroon
Abstract driven presentations
Hepatitis B stigma by association with HIV in Zambia
Michael Vinikoor #11
Prevalence estimates of chronic hepatitis B virus infection: a comparative study of four sources and implications for burden assessment in sub-Saharan Africa
Nora Schmit #23
Epidemiology of hepatitis B and evaluation of vaccine efficacy in a census-based community serosurvey of Ndirande township in Blantyre, Malawi
Alexander Stockdale #33

Day 2 - Friday, 14 September 2018

Session 3: Hepatitis B -
John Rwegasha
John Rwegasha, MBChB, M.MED, FRCP, MSc
Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania
Elijah Songok, MD, PhD
Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya
Abstract driven presentations
Hepatitis B screening and prevention integration into ante-natal care and delivery services in an urban cohort in Mozambique
Natalia Tamayo Antabak #18
Population-based evaluation of hepatitis B markers and criteria for antiviral therapy in Lusaka Province, Zambia
Michael Vinikoor #17
Treatment of chronic hepatitis B in sub-Saharan Africa: 3-year results of a pilot program in Ethiopia
Asgeir Johannessen #19
Characterization of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Among Liver Patients in Kenya
Missiani Ochwoto #26
Session 4: Hepatitis C -
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Richard Njouom, PhD
Centre Pasteur, Cameroon
How to treat HCV in a resource limited setting
Ayman Yosry
Ayman Yosry
Cairo University, Egypt
Abstract driven presentations
Prevalence of HBV and HCV infections in screened people in Rwanda during WHD 2017 campaign
Jean Damascene Makuza #10
HCV diagnosis and direct-acting antiviral agents -based treatment for HIV/HCV co-infected patients in a primary care setting in Maputo, Mozambique
Natalia Tamayo Antabak #40
Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir for Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Rwanda: Results from the SHARED Trial
Emmanuel Musabeyezu #20
Session 5: Liver Disease in Special Population -
Mark Sonderop, MD
Viral hepatitis in paediatrics (B and C)
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Other special populations (PWID)
John Rwegasha
John Rwegasha, MBChB, M.MED, FRCP, MSc
Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania
Session 6: Future issues in liver disease in Africa -
Francesco Marinucci
Francesco Marinucci
FIND, Italy
Shevanthi Nayagam
Shevanthi Nayagam, MBBS
Imperial College, UK
Alcoholic liver disease
Kosh Agarwal, MD
King’s College Hospital, United Kingdom
Drug-induced liver disease: khat and other weeds
Asgeir Johannessen
Asgeir Johannessen
Oslo University Hospital, Norway
Fatty Liver disease
Mark Thursz
Mark Thursz, MRCP
Imperial College, St Mary's Hospital, UK

Day 3 - Saturday, 15th September 2018

Session 7: Other infectious liver disease -
Mark Thursz
Mark Thursz, MRCP
Imperial College, St Mary's Hospital, UK
Olufunmilayo Lesi, MD, MBA, FWACP, FMCP
World Health Organization, Switzerland
Parasitic infections (Schistosomiasis infection, Liver flukes)
Edford Sinkala
Edford Sinkala, BScHB, MBChB, MMed, PhD, FRCP
University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia
Abstract driven presentations
Point-of-care testing for hepatitis B virus infection in a community-based occupational health cohort in the Western Cape Province, South Africa
Nafiisah Chotun #43
Mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus in Windhoek, Namibia: transmission dynamics and prevention (Not available)
Cynthia Tamandjou #39
Session 8: Clinical management of End-stage Liver Disease -
Gamal Esmat
Gamal Esmat, MD
Cairo University, Egypt
Johannessen Asgeir
Johannessen Asgeir, MD, PhD
Oslo University Hospital
Management of end-stage Liver Disease in Resource Limited Settings
Mark Sonderup
Mark Sonderup
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Africa
Abstract - driven presentations
Large-scale discovery and validation of blood and urinary discriminant metabolites as potential biomarkers for the diagnosis hepatocellular carcinoma in West Africa
Mei Ran Abellona U #35
The establishment of hepatitis B care and treatment clinics in the United Republic of Tanzania: A demonstration project following WHO guidelines
John Rwegasha #44
Session 9: Liver Disease - Public health issues -
Ayman Yosry
Ayman Yosry
Cairo University, Egypt
Reena Shah, MD
Aga Khan University, Kenya
New diagnostics to improve diagnosis of liver disease
Francesco Marinucci
Francesco Marinucci
FIND, Italy
Improving access to treatment in Resource Limited Settings (Not available)
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
NOhep Visionaries in Africa: Medical professionals leading the way towards hepatitis elimination
Jessica Hicks
Jessica Hicks
World Hepatitis Alliance

Over 150 participants attended the 1st edition of the Conference on Liver Disease in Africa held at Mövenpick Hotel and Residencies, Nairobi, Kenya. We would like to thank everybody for their invaluable contribution in making this workshop such a success.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would also like to express our gratitude to Gilead, Roche and Pharco for their generous support. 

Local Chair
Reena Shah
Reena Shah, MD
Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi

Practical Information 

This conference is intended for educational purposes only and aims to offer participants the opportunity to share information. The organizing secretariat of this conference, Virology Education, cannot accept any liability for the scientific content of the sessions or for any claims which may result from the use of information or publications from this conference. Virology Education disclaims all liability for injuries or losses of whatever nature incurred by individuals attending the conference.
Liability and Insurance
By registering for the conference participants agree that the organizers do not accept responsibility for any applicable insurances. Participants are advised to take out their own insurance policies.
Organizing Committee

The members of the Organizing Committee (OC)  are a group of carefully selected experts and inspirational leaders in their respective fields. They come together on a frequent basis to discuss the scientific program of the workshop, identify interesting topics and candidate speakers and review all submitted abstracts.

Scientific Committee

To augment the organizing committee, the following are scientific committee

  • Mary Afihene, MBChB, FWACP – Kwame Nkrumah University, Ghana 
  • Geoffrey Dusheiko, MBBCh, FCP, FRCP - Kings College Hospital, UK
  • Alice Guingané, MD, MPH - Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo, Burkina Faso
  • Emmanuel Musabeyezu, MD, FCP – King Faisal Hospital, Rwanda
  • Gibril Ndow, MD – Imperial College London, Gambia
  • John Rwegasha, MBChB, M.MED, FRCP, MSc - Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania 
  • Edford Sinkala, MD, PhD - University Teaching Hospital / University of Zambia, Zambia
  • Sonjelle Shilton, MPH - Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), Switzerland
  • Christian Tzeuton, MD – Douala Medical School / Société Camerounaise de Gastro-Enterologie, Cameroon
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