End of the Program
Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024
Related Enduring Materials
Thursday, 21 November
Friday, 22 November
Thank you!
We are pleased to reflect on the highly successful conference for the Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024.
The Program Chair and organizers would like to thank the speakers, chairs, and all participants for their contribution to this meeting!
Special thanks to the conference supports. Without their contribution, this conference would not have been made possible.
Registration to follow full session online is still possible. We are delighted to provide the following registration options (to receive these, please reach out to Karen.Lam@amededu.com):
• €75 fee for students,
• 25% discount for attendees from the previous year,
• €200 fee for regular delegates from Spain.
To stay updated on the latest developments, make sure you are signed up for our newsletter.
About this Program
The Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024 took place on 21 - 22 November 2024 in Barcelona, Spain. This conference aimed to raise awareness, clarify misconceptions, promote understanding, and stimulate discussion amongst healthcare professionals, investigators, policymakers, and community representatives on the clinical manifestations, management, plausible preventive and therapeutic options, and public health challenges related to Long COVID (or post-acute sequelae of COVID-19).
Knowledge of symptom-specific testing and diagnostic recommendations for Long COVID is still limited. The possible protective role of vaccination remains an extensive area of research, likewise the possible effect of antiviral and other treatment strategies. This highlights the importance of sustained medical education and regular updates on guidelines.
The program has featured state-of-the-art lectures, case presentations, and interactive sessions tailored to address educational needs in global healthcare settings. Ample time was reserved for debates and panel discussions to enhance knowledge exchange and reinforce the implementation of clinical guidelines and recommendations.
This has been done in the unique context of the COVID-19 pandemic considering regional differences in epidemiology, morbidity and mortality, access to vaccines, tests, and medications, health system capacity, and public health measures.
Program Chairs
General Information
- Neurologists
- Internal Medicine Physicians
- Infectious Diseases Physicians
- Family Doctors
- Cardiologists
- Psychiatrists
- Occupational Therapists
- Clinical/Translational investigators
- Policymakers
- Raising awareness and educating HCPs
- Facilitating translation of new findings into daily practice
- Stimulating clinical research and data sharing
- Define the Long COVID syndrome, and describe diagnostic challenges
- Understand epidemiology and trends in the prevalence in relation to the severity of acute COVID, the vaccination status, age, etc.
- Describe the multisystem pathologies of Long COVID
- Improve management of people living with Long COVID
- Summarize clinical data on potential preventive and treatment options
Practical Information
We trust that the following information will assist you in organizing your participation for the Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024.
Full address: Polígono Industrial de la Pedrosa, C. de José Agustín Goytisolo, 9, 11, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Accommodation is not included in the registration rate.
Translation will not be provided.
Any individual who feels discriminated against, harassed, disrespected, or marginalized is encouraged to report the incident(s) to VE and AME via info@amededu.com or to one of our on-site personnel.
Any participant who is found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be removed from the program.
Organizing Committee
The members of the Organizing Committee are a group of carefully selected experts and inspirational leaders in their respective fields. They meet frequently to discuss the scientific program of the conference, identify interesting topics and candidate speakers, and review all submitted abstracts.
Scientific Program Coordinator
Scientific Committee
The members of Scientific Committee are hand-picked by the Organizing Committee and the conference secretariat based on their significant contributions and commitment to the field. They assist the Organizing Committee by providing them with suggestions for speakers and topics. In addition, they participate in reviewing submitted abstracts, and play an active role during the conference as moderators and/or chairs of sessions.
- Daniel Altmann, PhD, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
- Tomaso Antonacci - Long Covid Belgium, Belgium
- Danilo Buonsenso, MD, PhD - Woman and Child Health and Public Health Rome, Italy
- Giovanni Guaraldi, MD - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
- Marc Jamoulle, MD, PhD, University of Liège, Belgium
- Clara Lehmann, MD, German Center For Infectious Research / University Hospital Cologne, Germany
- Pauline Oustric, PhD - #ApresJ20 Association Covid Long France, INSERM/Centre Léon Bérard, France
Support Our Initiative
Financial backing helps us deliver an impactful meeting experience to the benefit of healthcare professionals and researchers interested in the Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024.
This collaboration plays a vital role in both the organizational as well as scientific success of the program.To show your commitment to the cause, get in touch with us for a tailored
support package by contacting Ms. Daria Bohdanova at daria.bohdanova@amededu.com
Benefits of Support
By supporting this program, we can offer the following advantages for your company.* Please contact us for the most recent support level benefits for this program.
- Symposium opportunities
- Non-commercial interviews with company representatives
- Verbal acknowledgement during the program
- Discounted and complimentary registrations for your representatives
- Company acknowledgement on digital meeting materials including but not limited to newsletters, flyers, the streaming platform, and our website
- Company acknowledgement on printed meeting materials including but not limited to banners and the program book
- Digital and printed advertising opportunities
- Social media shout-outs
- Logo on the conference bag
*Subject to the support level.
Antivirals for the Prevention of Long COVID What Do Real-World Data Show?
This satellite symposium was presented by:
Previous Editions
- 1st Edition - Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2023
The Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024 was endorsed by the following societies and organizations. Their support and collaboration are key to the success of this conference!

Become an Endorser
If you would like your organization to endorse or become a media partner of the Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024, please contact Karen Lam at karen.lam@amededu.com
EACCME® Accreditation

The Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024, Barcelona, Spain 21/11/2024 - 22/11/2024, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 8.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at https://edhub.ama-assn.org/pages/applications.
Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
How can I receive a CME-accredited Certificate of Attendance?
In order to be eligible to receive a CME-accredited Certificate of Attendance, you must have followed the full program and completed the post-evaluation survey. Please check your junk/spam inbox if you cannot find the email containing your link to the survey. If you followed the program and did not receive an email with a link to the survey, please email us at Karen.Lam@amededu.com.
The post-evaluation survey will be online for 1 week after the conference. Please complete the survey within this time in order to receive your CME-accredited Certificate of Attendance. Once the survey is closed, it cannot be reopened.
Please note that CME accreditation is only provided for delegates who attend the event livestream and submit the post-meeting survey.