Day 1 - Friday, November 22

International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019
Related Enduring Materials

Day 2 - Saturday, November 23

Over 80 participants attended the 6th edition of the International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting, which took place on 22-23 November 2019 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Organizing Committee would like to thank all the invited speakers and participants for their contribution to this meeting!
We are grateful to our supporter Gilead Sciences for making this event possible.
IVHEM is a global forum for the exchange of practical experiences for translating diagnostic and therapy advances of viral hepatitis into broad applications that accelerate progress toward elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030.
The International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2019 was endorsed by the following societies and organizations.