HBVCure New
Meeting category
8 Nov 2023
Program Language
Boston, United States
Meeting type
Hybrid Workshop

International Workshop on HBV Cure 2023

Related Enduring Materials

Enduring Materials

HBV Cure 2023 focused on the many new treatment options that are becoming available for decreasing the burden of the disease, simplifying treatment, and potentially curing and eradicating HBV infection.

All times are in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone (EDT).

If you need another time zone, this website might be useful to you: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ 

Virtual Program Book I HBV Cure 2023
Program of HBV Cure 2023
Opening - 8:30
8:30 AM
Adam Gehring, PhD
Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
Session 1 -
Marion Peters, MD
Northwestern University, United States
Raymond Chung, MD, FAASLD
Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School, United States
8:40 AM
Durability of Response After DAA Therapies
Fabien Zoulim, MD, PhD
Lyon I University / Hospices Civils de Lyon / INSERM, France
8:55 AM
Expanding CHB Treatment Criteria with Nucs as Prelude of Novel Curative Therapies?
Harry Janssen, MD, PhD
Erasmus MC, University Hospital Rotterdam, the Netherlands / Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
9:10 AM
Are We Only Able to Suppress HDV or is Cure in Reach?
Pietro Lampertico, MD, PhD
University of Milan, Italy
9:25 AM
10:00 AM
Coffee Break
Session 2 -
Fabien Zoulim, MD, PhD
Lyon I University / Hospices Civils de Lyon / INSERM, France
Marc G. Ghany, MD, MHSc
Liver Diseases Branch, NIDDK, NIH, United States
10:30 AM
Latest Updates on Novel Biomarkers in HBV Cure
Man-Fung Yuen, MBBS, MD, PhD, DSc
University of Hong Kong and Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation, Hong Kong
10:45 AM
Next Generation CAMs, New Life for Small Molecules?
Mark Sulkowski, MD
Johns Hopkins University, United States
11:00 AM
Balance of Response and Adverse Events in Immunotherapy for CHB
Jordan Feld, MD, MPH
Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
11:15 AM
12:00 PM
Session 3: Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy Updates -
Chloe Thio, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine/Johns Hopkins University, United States
Georg Lauer, PhD, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, United States
13:00 PM
Immunological Profiles Induced by New Therapeutic Vaccines
Eleanor Barnes, PhD, FRCP, F. Med. Sci.
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
13:15 PM
Efficacy and Safety of Targeting PD-L1 with Monoclonal Antibodies
Jinzi J. Wu, Ph.D.
Ascletis Pharma Inc, Hong Kong
13:25 PM
Efficacy and Safety of Targeting PD-L1 in the Liver with ASO Therapy
13:35 PM
Value of Adding Recombinant Antigens to Viral Vector Vaccines
Ventzi Vassilev, PhD
GSK Vaccines, Belgium
13:45 PM
ImmTavs - Safety for Bi-specific T cell Receptors in CHB Patients
Lucy Dorrell, MBBS, MD, FRCP
Immunocore / Oxford University, United Kingdom
13:55 PM
Anti-HBs Monoclonal Antibodes in Nuc-naĂŻve and Combo Therapies
Carey Hwang, MD, PhD
Vir Biotechnology, Inc., United States
14:05 PM
14:35 PM
Coffee Break
Session 4: Update on Viral Targets for HBV/HDV Therapy -
Raymond Schinazi, PhD, DSc
Emory University Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), United States
Nezam Afdhal MD, DSc
Medicine Harvard Medical School / Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), United States
15:05 PM
Discrimination of Integrated vs. cccDNA Derived HBsAg
Chloe Thio, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine/Johns Hopkins University, United States
15: 20 PM
Does siRNA Restore Host Control and Could it Lead to Sustained HBsAg Suppression?
Michael J. Sofia, Ph.D
Arbutus Biopharma, Inc., United States
15:30 PM
Second Generation CAMs Leading to HBsAg Decline
Matthew McClure, MD
Aligos, United States
15:40 PM
Bepirovirsen in Combination with Peg-IFN and Other Molecules
Stuart Kendrick, MD, PhD, MRCP
GSK / Cambridge University Hospitals, United Kingdom
15:50 PM
Value of Bulevirtide Combination with PEG-IFN in HDV
Dmitry Manuilov, MD
Gilead Sciences, Germany
16:00 PM
Debate/Discussion of Drug Progress
Session 5: Panel Discussion -
Harry Janssen, MD, PhD
Erasmus MC, University Hospital Rotterdam, the Netherlands / Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
Adam Gehring, PhD
Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
16:30 PM
Round Table Discussion on Endpoints & Biomarkers: Partial vs. Functional Cure
Marion Peters, MD
Northwestern University, United States
Chloe Thio, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine/Johns Hopkins University, United States
Pietro Lampertico, MD, PhD
University of Milan, Italy
Marc G. Ghany, MD, MHSc
Liver Diseases Branch, NIDDK, NIH, United States
Jordan Feld, MD, MPH
Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
Man-Fung Yuen, MBBS, MD, PhD, DSc
University of Hong Kong and Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation, Hong Kong
17:05 PM
AASLD Preview
Adam Gehring, PhD
Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
17:20 PM
Closing Remarks
Harry Janssen, MD, PhD
Erasmus MC, University Hospital Rotterdam, the Netherlands / Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
17:30 PM
End of the Workshop

HBV Cure 2023 Group Photo

The International Workshop on HBV Cure 2023 took place as a live workshop on 8 November 2023 in Boston, United States.

Since 2014, the International Workshop on HBV Cure has been a scientific platform acting as a catalyst to accelerate the progress for achieving a cure. Around the globe, more than 250 million people live with hepatitis B (HBV). The purpose of the workshop is to inform the participants about the developments in the work to find a cure for HBV. The meeting will be highly interactive with input from experts out of the arena of basic, translational, and clinical HBV research.

The field of HBV treatment is undergoing major changes and is on the verge of a paradigm shift. The many new treatment options that are becoming available provide great hopes for decreasing the burden of the disease, simplifying treatment, and potentially curing and eradicating HBV infection.

In order to optimize curative treatment for HBV, outstanding speakers from around the globe will share the newest therapeutic options for viral hepatitis, and experts will discuss the path forward to cure this deadly disease, leading to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Questions on which endpoints to use in therapeutic trials and how to combine different agents targeting the virus and/or immune system will be extensively discussed.

This workshop also brings together global inter-disciplinary experts to provide a framework for how academia and industry should collaborate to achieve the goal of curing hepatitis B.

Program Directors
Harry Janssen 2019
Harry Janssen, MD, PhD
Erasmus MC, University Hospital Rotterdam, the Netherlands / Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
General Information
  • If you missed the previous edition of the International Workshop on HBV Cure 2022, you can still watch the enduring materials. Presentations and slides are publicly available here.
The venue of the 10th International Workshop on HBV Cure was:

Boston Park Plaza Hotel 
Address: 50 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116, United States
Website: https://www.bostonparkplaza.com/
Networking Dinner
Boston Park Plaza Hotel 
Address: 50 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116, United States
Website: https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/bossrhh-hilton-boston-park-plaza/

This is not included in the registration fee.
Unique Features
- Invited lectures from international experts

- Interactive roundtable discussions

- Ample time for discussion
Who should attend?
- Clinicians
- Researchers
- Academia
- Industry
- Government representatives
Meeting Objectives
The objectives of this workshop were to:

- Discuss how to reach an HBV functional cure with newly developed agents targeting the immune system or the viral replication cycle;
- Develop endpoints and better biomarkers for these studies; and
- Discuss how new agents should be combined to reach the goal of a functional cure.
Learning Objectives
After attending this workshop, participants are able to:

- Critically evaluate biomarkers used in clinical HBV studies;
- Outline advances made to cure HBV; and
- Critically assess current approaches taken to achieve the development of a functional cure.
Code of Conduct
All attendees, speakers, co-organizers, partners, endorsers, suppliers, volunteers, and employees at any of our programs are expected to observe our Code of Conduct. We cannot tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, disrespect, or the marginalization of those involved in our programs. All participants of VE and AME-organized programs are expected to treat others with dignity and respect at all times.

Any individual who feels discriminated against, harassed, disrespected, or marginalized is encouraged to report the incident(s) to VE and AME via info@amededu.com or to one of our on-site personnel.

Any participant who is found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be removed from the program.
Practical Information
Ethical MedTech
We are glad to inform that the International Workshop on HBV Cure 2023 has received COMPLIANT status from Ethical MedTech Europe platform.

For more information, you can visit the website of Ethical MedTech EU with the following link: https://www.ethicalmedtech.eu/
Certificate of Attedance
A certificate of attendance will be sent to participants that successfully complete the program and post-meeting survey.
The official language of the meeting was English.
Accommodation was not included in the registration fee.
Photographs, Audio, and Visual Recording
Photographs, audio, and video recordings were not permitted at the official workshop sessions. Only the official medical writer appointed by the organization may make recordings. All presentations were posted here as soon as possible after the workshop had finished, provided the speaker has given permission to do so.
Liability and Insurance
By registering for the workshop participants agree that the organizers do not accept responsibility for medical-, travel- or personal insurance. Participants are advised to take out their own insurance policies.
This workshop is intended for educational purposes only and aims to offer participants the opportunity to share information. The Organizing Secretariat of this event, AME and VE, cannot accept any liability for the scientific content of the sessions or for any claims which may result from the use of information or publications from this meeting. AME and VE disclaim all liability for injuries or losses of whatever nature incurred by individuals attending the workshop.
Program Directors
Harry Janssen 2019
Harry Janssen, MD, PhD
Erasmus MC, University Hospital Rotterdam, the Netherlands / Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
Organizing Committee

The members of the Organizing Committee are a group of carefully selected experts and inspirational leaders in their respective fields. They meet frequently to discuss the scientific program of the workshop and identify interesting topics and candidate speakers.

Silver Level

Support Our Initiative

Financial backing helps us deliver an impactful meeting experience for the benefit of healthcare professionals, researchers, and community representatives involved in HBV Cure.
This collaboration plays a vital role in both the organizational as well as scientific success of the program.
To show your commitment to the cause and get in touch with us for a tailored support package, please contact Brenda Evan via Brenda.Evan@amededu.com. 
Benefits of Support 
By supporting this program, we can offer the following advantages for your company.* Please contact us for the most recent support level benefits for this program.

  • Symposium opportunities
  • Non-commercial interviews with company representatives
  • Verbal acknowledgment during the program 
  • Discounted and complimentary registrations for your representatives
  • Company acknowledgment on digital meeting materials including but not limited to newsletters, flyers, the streaming platform, and our website
  • Company acknowledgment on printed meeting materials including but not limited to banners and the program book
  • Digital and printed advertising opportunities 
  • Social media shout-outs
  • Logo on the conference bag 

*Subject to the support level

Previous Editions
Group Photo
HBV Cure 2023 Group Photo
Invitation to Join the International Workshop on HBV Cure 2023

Invitation from Harry Janssen, MD, PhD, Erasmus MC, University Hospital Rotterdam, the Netherlands / Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada and Adam Gehring, PhD, Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada.

Ratings previous edition
Overall event experience
Content is relevant to my practice
Content was presented clearly
Content was free from commercial bias