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Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum 2023
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Thank you!
We are pleased to look back on a very successful 6th edition of the Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum held on 23 November, London, United kingdom.
The Organizing Committee and organizers would like to thank the speakers, chairs, and all participants for their contribution to this meeting! Special thanks to the forum supporter ViiV Healthcare Without their contribution, this forum would not have been made possible.
About this Program
The Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum 2023 took place on 23 November in London, United Kingdom, as a hybrid event. The meeting provided an independent scientific program involving the world’s leading experts. It is specifically designed for nurses, pharmacists and other HIV healthcare professionals focused on optimizing treatment for their patients.
This program \featured challenging plenary lectures followed by ample time for Q&A and debate, stimulating interaction, and knowledge-sharing within the HIV-treating community. The program also included networking opportunities for community-building, providing delegates with the unique opportunity to meet their colleagues in a focused and scientific setting.
The HIV Clinical Forum is a series of interactive programs that provide an independent scientific program on emerging topics in HIV, involving experts where HIV clinicians and allied healthcare professionals receive updates on the latest developments related to HIV management, where they can share their clinical experience, and present results from their ongoing and completed cohorts/ research programs.
Furthermore, the HIV Clinical Forum provides an educational setting where healthcare professionals can acquire specific skills that will enhance their capabilities to interpret research results and even develop new research projects.
General Information
- Medical doctors and researchers.
- Healthcare workers, clinical virologists, microbiologists, scientists, pharmacologists, nurses, post-doctoral researchers, students, and other healthcare professionals involved in treating people living with HIV.
- Build a community of healthcare professionals devoted to providing optimal clinical care for their patients
- Create a platform for interactive information exchange on novel treatment strategies and options
- Translate the latest studies and research achievements into clinical guidance for the optimal management of people living with HIV
- Explain the different perspectives behind HIV care and how their roles may change in the future.
- Describe how to involve different patient communities in HIV treatment strategies.
Identify the various digital tools that are available for HIV care and express their boundaries of use.
- Outline how to best care for aging patients living with HIV.
Practical Information
Any individual who feels discriminated against, harassed, disrespected, or marginalized is encouraged to report the incident(s) to VE and AME via or to one of our on-site personnel.
Any participant who is found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be removed from the program.
Program Director
Program Chair
Organizing Committee
The Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum 2023 was supported by an independent educational grant from ViiV Healthcare.
ViiV Healthcare was not involved in the development of content or selection of faculty for this educational activity.
The Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum 2023 was endorsed by the following societies and organizations:
Previous Editions
- 5th Edition, Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum, 2022, London (Hybrid)
- 4th Edition, Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum, 2021, Virtual
- 3rd Edition, Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum, 2020, Virtual
- 2nd Edition, Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum, 2019, London
- 1st Edition, Nurses & Pharmacists HIV Clinical Forum, 2018, London