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Pharmacological Optimization of Lung Cancer Treatment Webinar: Drug-Drug Interactions, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, and Immunotherapy
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Webinar Program
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The first edition of the Lung Cancer Webinar, co-organized by Global DDI Solutions and Academic Medical Education, took place at 19.00 CEST on 22 April 2024.
Participants had the opportunity to register for the special fee of 50.00 EUR and:
- Explore critical interactions between small molecule inhibitors (SMIs) and oral anticoagulants, addressing risks and effective management;
- Delve into TDM guidelines for SMIs, examining their effectiveness and practical recommendations for informed decision-making;
- Uncover the nuances between flat fixed and weight-based dosing of immunotherapy, considering benefits, challenges, and practical implications.
We are delighted to announce that the first Pharmacological Optimization of Lung Cancer Treatment Webinar - Drug-Drug Interactions, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, and Immunotherapy took place on 22 April 2024.
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide, with an incidence of 2.2 million cases in 2020, usually diagnosed in people aged 60 and older. Non-small lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common type of lung cancer. The first-line treatment of advanced NSCLC consists of small molecule inhibitors (SMIs) and immune/chemotherapy.
With advent of these novel therapies, several pharmacological issues have arisen that need full attention of clinicians, pharmacists and clinical researchers.
First, SMIs are often inhibitors, inducers and substrates of CYP450 isoenzymes and/or membrane transporters, such as CYP3A4 enzyme and P-glycoprotein (P-gp), and therefore at risk for Drug-Drug interactions (DDIs). Lung cancer patients have an increased risk of thrombosis, and the standard treatment are Directly-acting Oral Anti-Coagulants (DOACs). DOACs are substrates of CYP3A4 enzyme and/or P-gp. Coadministration of SMIs and DOACs is a potential risk for DDIs that implies an increased risk of bleeding and mortality, due to changes in DOAC concentration.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) can be applied to check whether the concentration is still in the therapeutic range or requires a dose adjustment. For new drugs on the market, the effectiveness of TDM is unknown, and practical recommendations for TDM are often missing.
Nowadays, immunotherapy is commonly used in the treatment of lung cancer. Unfortunately, treatment with immunotherapy, e.g. immune checkpoint inhibitors, is related to immune-related adverse events (irAE). Examples of irAE are skin toxicity, endocrinopathies, neurological toxicity and haematological toxicity.
When grade 3 or 4 toxicity of immunotherapy occurs in a patient, the discussion is to resume the therapy or use the rechallenge strategy. A patient who has previously developed severe irAE is at risk for redeveloping severe toxicities. Therefore, healthcare professionals are hesitant to retreat, even though patients may derive clinical benefit. Healthcare professionals must choose a treatment option based on consideration between the clinical benefit and treatment-related toxicities for an individual patient.
The ESMO guideline provides a step-by-step plan and recommendations for each toxicity, its degree of severity and how to act in the event of an occurrence.
The first edition of the Global DDI Solutions Lung Cancer webinar took place on 22 April 2024. This webinar was organized by Global DDI Solutions in collaboration with Academic Medical Education. It was an opportunity for many healthcare professionals, including pulmonologists, medical oncologists, nurse specialists, pharmacists, and clinical pharmacologists, to increase their knowledge about the pharmacological optimization of lung cancer treatment.
The Organizing Committee
Program Co-Chairs
General Information
- Medical oncologists
- Pharmacists
- Clinical pharmacologists
- Raise awareness for drug-drug interactions (DDIs) with small molecule inhibitors and direct oral anti-coagulants and provide guidelines for DDI management.
- Provide guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring for small molecule inhibitors in the clinic.
- Provide key recommendations for managing immunotherapy-related toxicity.
- Acknowledge the risks of drug-drug interactions between small molecule inhibitors and direct oral anti-coagulants and how to manage them.
- Making an informed decision to perform or not perform therapeutic drug monitoring with small molecule inhibitors, especially when drug-drug interactions are present.
- Recognize immunotherapy-related toxicity and act accordingly to the severity of the toxicity using the ESMO clinical practice guideline.
Translation will/will not be provided.
Any individual who feels discriminated against, harassed, disrespected, or marginalized is encouraged to report the incident(s) to VE and AME via or to one of our on-site personnel.
Any participant who is found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be removed from the program.
Fees and Conditions
All Delegates |
Standard Fee |
€50 |
Discounts |
Early-Career Investigators /Regular Delegates from Resource-Limited Settings (RLS)** |
50% Off Current Regular Delegate Fee |
NGO Representatives / Government Representatives (i.e. MOH, NIH, NIAID, etc.) / Advocates |
50% Off Current Regular Delegate Fee |
Representatives of sponsoring industry / endorsing organizations *** |
Please contact the conference secretariat |
* To register on the workshop dates and revisit the recordings of the live stream on the virtual portal.
** Countries included in the low-income and lower-middle-income economies of the World Bank Classification.
*** Industry and endorser representatives may receive a discount based on the level of support provided to the event. For more support and registration information, please contact us via
If you have financial concerns or are eligible for a discount, please contact the conference secretariat via
We strongly advise that you register early to ensure your registration.
Submission of your online registration does not guarantee that your registration has been accepted. Your registration is final when full prepayment has been received and a confirmation of your registration has been sent.
- Access to all scientific sessions
- Digital workshop pack, including the program
- Payment can only be made by credit card.
- Academic Medical Education reserves the right to cancel improper registrations. Claims for a refund will not be honored.
1. Proof of accreditation
2. Valid identification (e.g. passport)
3. A letter from your assignment giver stating the details of your assignment (e.g. editor)
4. At least 3 previous written assignments in recognized outlets on Oncology. If you are a freelance journalist, the assignments can be from different (recognizable) news outlets. Links to online publications are accepted
5. The website of the publication(s)/blog(s) that will be featuring your story on this workshop
A complimentary or reduced registration fee may apply for accredited media participants depending on availability. Preference will be given to credible print and online news sources. Please contact the conference secretariat for registration conditions.
We would like to receive a copy of your workshop report/ article once it is finalized.
All credentials will be verified by the Organizing Committee of the Workshop. Media representatives are kindly requested to register by sending the above-mentioned information to
Important: Media is restricted to the written press. Recording on film or photo is not allowed.
Support Our Initiative
In order to deliver this program and allow healthcare professionals to attend, we depend on financial support.
We would like to encourage you to show your commitment to knowledge sharing and education on this important topic.
By supporting this program, you will help to improve patient care and contribute to the fight against lung cancer.
Your support will be greatly appreciated!
Please contact Ms. Daria Bohdanova at or call +31 30 230 7140.
*Subject to the support level.
EACCME® Accreditation

The Pharmacological Optimization of Lung Cancer Treatment Webinar: Drug - Drug Interactions , Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, and Immunotherapy 22/03/2024 , has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 1.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at
Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
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- You can send in a question using the Q&A box during the livestream.
- Or send us an email before the stream.
Questions that are not answered during the stream will be used to inspire future program topics.