End of the Program

Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2024
Related Enduring Materials
About this Program
The Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum was held on 7 August 2024 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This forum provides an independent scientific program involving the world’s leading experts and is specifically designed for Brazilian HIV healthcare professionals, focusing on optimizing treatment for their patients. The meeting aims to increase knowledge and skills through lectures on novel treatment strategies, long-acting regiments, and the care of treatment-experienced patients.
This program features challenging plenary lectures followed by Q&A and debates, stimulating interactions, and the sharing of knowledge within the community of HIV care providers. The program includes networking opportunities for community building, providing delegates with the unique opportunity to meet their colleagues in a focused and scientific setting.
The HIV Clinical Forum is a series of interactive programs that provide independent scientific sessions led by experts on emerging topics in the HIV care field. HIV clinicians and allied healthcare professionals receive updates on the latest developments related to comprehensive HIV management, share their clinical experience, and present the results from their ongoing and completed cohorts/research programs.
Furthermore, the HIV Clinical Forum provides an educational setting where healthcare professionals can acquire specific skills that enhance their capabilities to interpret research results and develop new research projects.
Program Chairs 2024
General Information
- Pesquisadores;
- Profissionais de saúde, virologistas clínicos, microbiologistas, cientistas, farmacologistas, enfermeiros, pesquisadores de pós-doutorado, estudantes e outros profissionais de saúde envolvidos no tratamento de pessoas vivendo com HIV.
- Construir uma comunidade de profissionais de saúde dedicados a prestar um atendimento clínico ideal aos seus pacientes;
- Criar uma plataforma de troca interativa de informações sobre novas estratégias e opções de tratamento; e
- Traduzir os últimos estudos e realizações de pesquisa em orientação clínica para o manejo ideal de indivíduos hiv positivos.
Practical Information
Av. Lúcio Costa, 5400
Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro
RJ, 22630-012, Brazil
Qualquer pessoa que se sinta discriminada, assediada, desrespeitada ou marginalizada é incentivada a relatar o(s) incidente(s) para VE e AME via info@amededu.com ou para um de nossos funcionários no local.
Qualquer participante que tenha exibido qualquer conduta ou comportamento inadequado contra outros pode ser removido do programa.
Registration at INFECTO RIO 2024
The Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum was part of the INFECTO RIO 2024 - IX Congress of the Infectious Diseases Society of Rio de Janeiro.
Program Chairs
The Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2024 is supported by an independent educational grant from ViiV Healthcare.
ViiV Healthcare was not involved in the development of content or selection of faculty for this educational activity.
Previous Editions
- 4th Edition: Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum 2022, Rio de Janeiro
- 3rd Edition: Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum, 2020, Rio de Janeiro
- 2nd Edition: Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum, 2018, Rio de Janeiro
- 1st Edition: Brazilian HIV Clinical Forum, 2017, Rio de Janeiro