Meeting category
28 Oct 2019 - 29 Oct 2019
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Hepatitis Clinical Forum 2019

Related Enduring Materials

Enduring Materials

Day 1 - Monday, 28 October 2019

Session 1 -
Kazuhiko Koike
Kazuhiko Koike, MD, PhD
University of Tokyo, Japan
Charles Boucher
Charles Boucher, MD
Erasmus Medical Center, the Netherlands
Epidemological trends in viral Hepatitis B and C in Japan (No permission to publish slides)
Junko Tanaka
Junko Tanaka, MD, PhD
Hiroshima University, Japan
Trend of NAFLD/ NASH in Japan (No video available)
Katsutoshi Tokushige
Katsutoshi Tokushige, MD
Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan
Trends in epidemiology of hepatitis B and HCC in Asia (No video available)
Sang Hoon Ahn
Sang Hoon Ahn, MD, PhD
Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea
Session 2: Clinical management of Hepatitis C -
Tesuo Takehara
Man-Fung Yuen
Man-Fung Yuen, DSc, MD, PhD
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
State-of-the-Art: Current clinical management of hepatitis C in Japan (No permission to publish slides or video)
Nobuyuki Enomoto
Nobuyuki Enomoto, MD, PhD
University of Yamanashi, Japan
Hepatitis C management in special populations
Mark Nelson, MA, MBBS, FRCP
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital / Imperial College Medical School, United Kingdom
Challenges in the Era of Hepatitis C Cure
Naoya Sakamoto
Naoya Sakamoto, MD
Hokkaido University, Japan
HCV-associated HCC - Basics and clinics (No permission to publish slides or video)
Naoya Kato
Naoya Kato, MD, PhD
Chiba University, Japan
Session 3: Clinical management of Hepatitis B -
Naoya Kato
Naoya Kato, MD, PhD
Chiba University, Japan
Naoya Sakamoto
Naoya Sakamoto, MD
Hokkaido University, Japan
State-of-the-Art: Current clinical management of hepatitis in Japan (No permission to publish slides or video)
Hiroshi Yatsuhashi
Hiroshi Yatsuhashi, MD
NHO Nagasaki Medical Center, Japan
Management of Hepatitis B reactivation (No video available)
Yasuhito Tanaka
Yasuhito Tanaka, MD, PhD
Nagoya City University, Japan
Co-infection of HIV, HBV and HCV (No permission to publish slides or video)
Hiroyuki Gatanaga
Hiroyuki Gatanaga, MD, PhD
National Center For Global Health And Medicine, Japan
New anti-HBV drugs in the pipeline (No video available)
Man-Fung Yuen
Man-Fung Yuen, DSc, MD, PhD
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Day 2 - Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Session 4 -
Session 4: Hepatitis C elimination strategies
Nobuyuki Enomoto
Nobuyuki Enomoto, MD, PhD
University of Yamanashi, Japan
Peter Revill
Peter Revill, MD, PhD
Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Australia
Update on Hepatitis C elimination strategies (No permission to publish slides)
Immunological aspects of HBV and HCV infection
Tatsuya Kanto
Tatsuya Kanto, MD, PhD
National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan
Current treatment of decompensated cirrhosis (No permission to publish slides or video)
Tetsuo Takehara
Tetsuo Takehara, MD
Osaka University, Japan
Session 5: Future clinical management of liver diseases -
Yasuhito Tanaka
Yasuhito Tanaka, MD, PhD
Nagoya City University, Japan
Margaret Hellard
Margaret Hellard, AM, MBBS, FRACP, FAFPHM, PhD
Burnet Institute, Australia
Progress in Hepatitis B cure research
Peter Revill
Peter Revill, MD, PhD
Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Australia
Current and future treamtments of NASH (No permission to publish slides or video)
Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi Nakajima, MD
Yokohama City University, Japan
Current and future local therapies for early stage HCC
Shi-Ming Lin
Shi-Ming Lin, MD
Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Evolving treatment paradigm and future landscape in HCC
Masafumi Ikeda
Masafumi Ikeda, MD
National Cancer Center Hospital East, Japan
Closure of the conference
Kazuhiko Koike
Kazuhiko Koike, MD, PhD
University of Tokyo, Japan