Sebastian Nicky Suwandi


Nicky is working with APCOM, a Bangkok-based regional network organization with specific focus on health and rights of gay men, other men who have sex with men (MSM) and SOGIESC people in Asia and the Pacific. His area of work is mainly on HIV online interventions, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and sexualized drug use or chemsex; and with his current position as Knowledge Management and Learning, he is managing a platform aimed at providing information to communities to facilitate cross-learning and sharing with community-generated data and research. His experience with the organization included a role as technical assistance provider for demand generation initiatives in Lao PDR, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines and most recent addition to his portfolio is co-writing PrEP Demand Generation Toolkit, which has been translated into 14 languages from 9 countries. Hailing from Indonesia, Nicky previously worked at GWL-INA, a national network for MSM and transgender women which comprises more than 80 community-based organizations and support groups across the archipelago. During his tenure, he was leading 6 online digital campaigns, most notably testJKT and Gue Berani where the former is a city-based campaign for Indonesia’s capital Jakarta and the latter is a nationwide campaign implemented in more than 25 cities across the country.

Suwandi, Nicky 2022
APCOM Foundation, Thailand