Valentina Svicher, PhD


Valentina Svicher is an Associate Professor of Virology at the Department of Experimental Medicine, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.  She got a degree cum laude in Biological Sciences in 2001 and a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology in 2006. Her research interests and expertise are focused on mechanisms underlying pathogenesis and response to therapy in the setting of chronic viral infections with particular attention on hepatitis B and D virus. She is the author of around 100 full papers in peer-reviewed journals, and more than 250 papers presented at numerous National and International Conferences.  She received several awards such as "GB Rossi" Scientific Prize 2009, "Readfiles" Scientific Award 2008 and the Scientific Award "Infection Lab 2016” for the best scientific publications or projects in the infectiology field.  She collaborates with many nationally and internationally recognized scientific researchers through grants from the Italian National Institute of Health, the Ministry of University and Scientific Research, the European Community and Industrial Companies. She is a member of the Board of the Scientific Society “European Society for Antiviral Research” (ESAR); Member of the HCV Italian Resistance Network Study Group; Member of the European HepCare group; Member of the Italian Study Group on the treatment and prophylaxis of HBV in the hematological patients.

Svicher, Valentina
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy