Meeting category
19 Sep 2024 - 21 Sep 2024
Program Language
English, French
Cairo, Egypt
Meeting type
Hybrid Meeting
CME Credits
Society on Liver Disease in Africa

Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2024

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Enduring Materials
- parallel sessions

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The presentation videos and slides for speakers’ lectures are made available, provided that they have granted us permission to do so.

Thursday, 19 September
Opening of the Conference -
Life Time Achievement of John C Martin
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
WHO Global Hepatitis Report 2024: Where do we stand in Africa?
Implementing the New WHO Guidelines for Hepatitis B Care: Challenges and Opportunities
Community Perspective on New Guidelines and Their Implementation
Danjuma K. Adda, MPH, FIMS, Dip-IMS
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA), Nigeria
Session 1: Basic Virology -
Introduction of the ICE-HBV Working Group
Anna Kramvis, BSc Hons, PhD
Hepatitis Virus Diversity Research Unit / ICE-HBV, South Africa
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Definition of Functional Cure - New Monitoring Tools
Harry Janssen, MD, PhD
Erasmus MC, University Hospital Rotterdam, the Netherlands / Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
In Vitro Characterization of a Single and Combination rtK333Q Mutation Isolated from HIV-Infected Individuals with Occult Hepatitis B in Botswana: An in Vitro Study
#1 - Risuna Maswanganyi
South Africa
Predictors of Hepatic Flares after Nucleos(t)Ide Analogue Cessation - Results of a Global Cohort Study (RETRACT-B Study)
#2 - Edo Dongelmans
The Netherlands
Session 2: Diagnostics of Viral Hepatitis -
Point of Care Testing - Viral Hepatitis
University of Jos /Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
Barriers & Access to Commodities : Access to Accurate and Affordable Diagnostics Are Main Barrier to Linkage to Care
Chukwuemeka Agwuocha, PharmB
Clinton Health Access Initiative, Nigeria
Challenges and Dynamics of Identifying, Testing and Linking to Care Hepatitis B Patients in Kenya
#3 - Missiani Ochwoto
“When to Treat” in People Living with Hepatitis B in Africa: A Discrete Choice Experiment Assessing Health Workers’ Preferences
#4 - Rewhandamzi Boms
Mini- Oral Abstract Presentations -
Investigating the Impact of Serum and Intrahepatic Hepatitis B Virus Markers on Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Hepatitis B and Occult Hepatitis B Infection in the Gambian Population
#5 - Dohyun Seo
Hepatitis B and C Infection in Tuberculosis Patients in the Western Region of Burkina Faso: A Pilot Study for Decision Making
#6 - Armel Moumouni Sanou
Burkina Faso
Evaluation of the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (REACH-B and PAGE-B Scores) In Patients Chronically Carrying Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) in Ouagadougou
#7 - Nanelin Alice Guingané
Burkina Faso
The Impact of Integration and Decentralization of HBV Services on Enhancing HBV Care Continuum: An Interrupted Time Series
#8 - Jean Damascene Makuza
SOLDA-EASL Survey of Access to Hepatitis D Screening and Diagnostic Tests in Africa
#9 - Maria Buti
Session 3: Viral Hepatitis in Pregnancy -
Viral Hepatitis During Pregnancy
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
(Triple) Elimination of Vertical Transmission / Path to Elimination for HIV
Alexander Stockdale, MBChB, PhD, MRes, MRCP, DTM&H
Liverpool University, United Kingdom
Towards Elimination of HIV, Syphilis and HBV Mother-to-child Transmission in The Gambia and Burkina Faso: Preliminary Results from the TRI-MOM Project in The Gambia
#11 - Erwan Vo Quang
The Gambia
Coverage and Determinants of Pre-natal Testing for HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B: A Cross-Sectional Survey in the Gambia and Burkina Faso (TRI-MOM Project)
#12 - Erwan Vo Quang
The Gambia
Healthcare Workers’ Perspectives on the Triple Elimination of Vertical Transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B Virus and Syphilis in Burkina Faso and the Gambia (TRI-MOM Project)
#13 - Bakary Dibba
Clinical Performance Evaluation of the Xpert Hepatitis B Viral Load Point-Of-Care Molecular Testing among Pregnant Women in Uganda
#14 - Linda Kisaakye Nabitaka
Friday, 20 September
Session 4: Liver Transplantation -
Liver Transplantation - Cote d'Ivoire
Elie Keli, MD
Treichville University Hospital, Cote d’Ivoire
Liver Transplantation - South Africa
Eduard Jonas, MB, ChB, MMed, FCS, PhD
University of Cape Town / Groote Schuur Hospital, South Africa
Liver Transplantation - Algeria
Nabil Debzi, MD
Algerian Society of Hepatogastroenterology and Endoscopy / Mustapha Hospital Algiers, Algeria
The Disease and Economic Burden of HBV and HCV in Ethiopia
#15 - Asgeir Johannessen
Session 5: Forum for Collaborative Research - Implementation of HBV Clinical Research in Africa -
Towards Accelerating HBV Clinical Research in Africa
Veronica Miller, PhD
Forum for Collaborative Research, UC Berkeley School of Public Health, United States
Session 6: Liver Disease & Comorbidities -
The Role of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and Liver Disease
Gibril Ndow, MD, PhD
MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM, The Gambia
Role of Neglected Tropical Diseases in Liver Disease / Schistosomiasis
Imam Waked, MD, FRCP, FAASLD
National Liver Institute (NLI), Egypt
Prévalence et facteurs de risque de la stéatose hépatique non alcoolique (NAFLD) et de la fibrose chez des jeunes adultes d’apparence saine
#16 - Belimi Hibat Allah
Assessing Strategic Information Data and Policies for Hepatitis B and C across National Hepatitis Elimination Profiles in 6 African Countries
#17 - Jana Manning
United States
Screening Rates and the Prevalence of Hepatitis B among Children and Adults Living with HIV in Africa: A Multi-National Study
#18 - George Patrick Akabwai
10-year Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Treated with Tenofovir in The Gambia, West Africa
#19 - Kitabu Jammeh
The Gambia
Session 7: AILD Clinical Research in Africa (AASLD) -
Diagnosis and Management of Autoimmune Hepatitis
David N. Assis, MD
Yale School of Medicine, United States
Clinical Presentation and Management of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Kidist Yimam, MD
California Pacific Medical Center, United States
Autoimmune Hepatitis in Pediatric Patient Population
Manal Hamdy El-Sayed, MD, PhD
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Understanding the Natural History of Autoimmune Liver Diseases in Under-represented African Patient Population
Kidist Yimam, MD
California Pacific Medical Center, United States
Session 8: HCC Clinical Cases -
Introduction: Prevalence of HCC in Africa - Rapid Changes / New HCC Guidelines
Ashraf Omar, MD, FAASLD
Cairo University, Egypt
Early Detection of Liver Cancer / Biomarkers
Lewis Roberts, MBChB, PhD, FAASLD
Mayo Clinic, United States
16:35 EEST
Clinical Case
Hend Ibrahim Shousha, MD
Cairo University, Egypt
Healthy Livers Healthy Lives -
17:50 EEST
Healthy Livers Healthy Lives - Key Lecture
Jeffrey V. Lazarus, PhD, MIH, MA
Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Spain / CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, United States
Saturday, 21 September
Session 9: EASL - Advancements in Hepatology - Navigating SLD and ACLF -
New SLD Nomenclature
Aleksander Krag, MD, PhD, MBA
Odense University Hospital / EASL, Denmark
Acute on Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF)
Thomas Berg, MD
University of Leipzig, Germany
Mini- Oral Abstract Presentations -
Outcomes of a Process Evaluation on Improving Timely Hepatitis B Birth Dose Coverage through Integrated Vaccine Delivery at Maternal and Neonatal Care Units across Secondary and Primary Healthcare Facilities – Experience from Nigeria
#20 - Olayinka Adisa
High Prevalence of Colonic Adenomas in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Prospective Study
#21 - Belimi Hibat Allah
Association of Fatty Liver Disease With Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Attending the Regional Hospital Limbe, Cameroon
#22 - Ebot Walter Ojong
PrEP Programmes as a Framework for Tackling HBV Infection in Adolescents and Young Adults in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
#24 - Gloria Sukali
South Africa
Session 11: Elimination of Viral Hepatitis - Governmental Endorsement -
Perspective of Africa CDC
Abdulaziz Mohammed, MBBS, MHPM, MPH-FE, FWACP
Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Ethiopia
Perspective of WHO African Region (AFRO)
Casimir Manzengo, MD, MPH
World Health Organization, Burkina Faso
Role of the MoH in Scaling Up and Achieving the Goals
Wahid Doss, MD
Cairo University, Egypt

The Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2024 took place from 19-21 September as a hybrid meeting in Cairo, Egypt.

Co-organized by SOLDA and Academic Medical Education in close collaboration with regional societies, COLDA 2024 aims at empowering healthcare professionals (HCPs) to diagnose, prevent, treat, and achieve a cure for liver diseases for the benefit of patients in Africa.

This being the 7th COLDA, we continue to cultivate a platform that provides a unique opportunity for clinicians, researchers, policymakers, industry representatives, and other healthcare professionals in the African region. Together with support from an international community of experts, they will exchange knowledge on the latest developments and achievements in the management of viral hepatitis and liver disease with a special focus on the African context.

We aspire to provide you with a highly scientific and educational abstract-driven conference consisting of keynote speeches, state-of-the-art lectures, oral and poster abstract presentations, roundtable discussions, and debates with ample time for discussion.

We are certain that the conference will act as a catalyst for translating science into clinical practice while promoting medical education in the field of hepatology and setting up collaborations within the African region. Everyone will have an exceptional opportunity to share and acquire knowledge, and experience a wide spectrum of topics related to liver disease.

Program Chairs 2024
Local Chairs 2024
General Information 
Who Should Attend?
• Physicians
• Hepatologists
• Gastroenterologists
• Researchers
• Other healthcare professionals (nurses, clinical officers, community health workers, among others)
Meeting Objectives
COLDA aims to:

- Gather experts from the African region involved in the research, diagnosis, and treatment of liver diseases in an interactive conference setting;

- Discuss the diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventative efforts of liver disease tailored to regional and local needs, translating best practices into daily practice guidelines and policies;

- Contribute towards hepatitis elimination efforts;

- Leverage on the findings from international studies through the delivery of updates from major meetings that can be applied at the local and regional level to combat liver diseases;

- Facilitate a robust dialogue among participants through interactive networking and a networking reception; and

- Foster new and lasting interdisciplinary partnerships and collaborations among various researchers to improve knowledge sharing with aim of combating liver diseases in Africa.
Learning Objectives
After participating in COLDA, participants will be able to:

- Discuss the epidemiology and treatment of liver disease at an individual and population level;

- Ensure the knowledge and availability of HBV and HCV therapy and their correct usage;

- Discuss evolving modalities of monitoring liver disease and their availability in the African setting; and

- Update on new developments in the investigation of liver disease and their use in an African setting.
Practical Information 
Accommodation is not included in the registration fee.
All participants are requested to wear the badge at all times during the conference to ensure admission to the meeting.
Certificate of Attendance
A certificate of attendance will be sent to you after successfully completing the program and post-meeting survey.
The official language of the conference is English
Enduring Materials
Conference materials can be obtained upon registration at the registration desk at the Conference Venue.
This conference is intended for educational purposes only and aims to offer participants the opportunity to share information. The Organizing Secretariat of this event, Virology Education, cannot accept any liability for the scientific content of the sessions or for any claims which may result from the use of information or publications from this meeting. Virology Education disclaims all liability for injuries or losses of whatever nature incurred by individuals attending the conference.
Liability and Insurance
By registering for the conference participants agree that the organizers do not accept responsibility for medical-, travel- or personal insurance. Participants are advised to take out their own insurance policies.
Photographs, Audio, and Video Recording
Photographs, audio, and video recordings are not permitted at the official meeting sessions. Only the official medical writer appointed by the organization may make recordings. All presentations will be posted here as soon as possible after the workshop is finished, provided the speaker has given permission to do so.
Code of Conduct
All attendees, speakers, co-organizers, partners, endorsers, suppliers, volunteers, and employees at any of our programs are expected to observe our Code of Conduct. We cannot tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, disrespect, or the marginalization of those involved in our programs. All participants of VE and AME-organized programs are expected to treat others with dignity and respect at all times.

Any individual who feels discriminated against, harassed, disrespected, or marginalized is encouraged to report the incident(s) to VE and AME via or to one of our on-site personnel.
Any participant who is found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be removed from the program.
Organizing Committee
Nabil Debzi
Nabil Debzi, MD
Algerian Society of Hepatogastroenterology and Endoscopy / Mustapha Hospital Algiers, Algeria
Ward, John 2023
John Ward, MD
Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination, Task Force for Global Health / Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, United States
The members of the Organizing Committee are a group of carefully selected experts and inspirational leaders in their respective fields. They meet frequently to discuss the scientific program of the workshop, identify interesting topics and candidate speakers, and review all submitted abstracts.
Scientific Program Coordinator
Scientific Committee

To augment the organizing committee, the following are scientific committee members

  • Mary Afihene, MBChB, FWACP – Kwame Nkrumah University / Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Ghana 

  • Kosh Agarwal, MD - King’s College Hospital, United Kingdom

  • Bisi Bright, BPharm(Hons), MPH, FPCPharm, FPSN, C.Psych - LiveWell Initiative (LWI), Nigeria

  • Maria Buti, MD, PhD - Hospital General Universitari Valle Hebron, Spain

  • Alice Guingané, MD, PhD - Bogodogo University Hospital Center / University of Montpellier, Burkina Faso / France

  • Jessica Hicks - The World Hepatitis Alliance, United Kingdom

  • Kenneth Kabagambe - National Organization for People Living with Hepatitis B, Uganda

  • Olufunmilayo Lesi, MD, MBA, FWACP, FMCP - World Health Organization, Switzerland

  • Casimir Manzengo, MD, MPH - World Health Organization, Gabon

  • Emmanuel Musabeyezu, MD, FCP(SA) - King Faisal Hospital, Rwanda

  • Yvonne Nartey, MBChB, MSc, MPhil - Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana

  • John Rwegasha, MBChB, MMed, FRCP(Lond), MSc - Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania

  • Edford Sinkala, MD, PhD - University Teaching Hospital / University of Zambia, Zambia

  • Sonjelle Shilton, MPH - Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), Switzerland

  • Mark Sonderup, BPharm, MBChB, FCP(SA), MMed - University of Cape Town, South Africa

  • Elijah Songok, MD, PhD - Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya

  • Christian Tzeuton, MD - Douala Medical School / Société Camerounaise de Gastro-Enterologie, Cameroon

  • Lewis Roberts, MBChB, PhD -  Mayo Clinic, USA

  • Geoffrey Dusheiko, MBBS, FCP(SA), FRCS - King's College Hospital / University College London Medical School, United Kingdom

The members of Scientific Committee are hand-picked by the Organizing Committee and the conference secretariat based on their significant contributions and commitment to the field. They assist the Organizing Committee by providing them with suggestions for speakers and topics. In addition, members of the Scientific Committee participate in reviewing submitted abstracts, and play an active role during the workshop as moderators and/or chairs of sessions.

Bronze Level
Principal Supporter
Stephan Urban Foundation Scholarship
Support Our Initiative

Financial backing helps us deliver an impactful meeting experience for the benefit of healthcare professionals and community representatives involved in liver diseases in Africa.
This collaboration plays a vital role in both the organizational as well as the scientific success of the program.
To show your commitment to the cause and get in touch with us for a tailored support package, please contact Magda Sevlidou at or call +31 30 230 7147.
Benefits of Support 
By supporting this program, we can offer the following advantages for your company.* Please contact us for the most recent support level benefits for this program.

  • Symposium opportunities
  • Verbal acknowledgment during the program 
  • Discounted and complimentary registrations for your representatives
  • Company acknowledgment on digital meeting materials including but not limited to newsletters, flyers, program book, the streaming platform, and our website
  • Digital advertising opportunities 
  • Social media shout-outs
  • Logo on the digital conference bag 
  • Exhibition

*Subject to the support level


A 25% discount on the meeting registration fee is offered to the members/employees of our endorsers. Please reach out to your organization for your discount code.

If you would like your organization to endorse COLDA 2024, please contact Hana Augustine at

Previous Editions
Top-Rated Materials from Previous Edition

The Story of Hepatitis C: Translating Science to Clinical Reality - Harvey J. Alter, MD, MACP

COLDA 2021

Accreditation Statement


The Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2024, Cairo, Egypt 19/09/2024 - 21/09/2024, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 14.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at

Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Ratings previous edition
The activity was well-planned
Content is relevant to my practice
Content was presented clearly
Content was free from commercial bias