International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2022
Related Enduring Materials
Day 1 - Friday, December 2
Day 2 - Saturday, December 3
* The full program of the "Industry-supported Symposium" session can be visited in the "Symposium" Tab
** The full program of the "Industry - Perspectives on Overcoming the Roadblocks" session can be visited in the "Symposium" Tab
Friday, 2 December 2022
Saturday, 3 December 2022
The International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) took place as a hybrid meeting from 2-3 December 2022 in the Amsterdam Marriott Hotel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The International Viral Hepatitis Elimination Meeting (IVHEM) 2023 will take place as a hybrid meeting in December 2023.
Convened by Academic Medical Education, Virology Education, and the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination (CGHE), IVHEM is a global forum for the exchange of practical experiences for translating diagnostic and therapy advances of viral hepatitis into broad applications that accelerate progress towards the elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030.
Hepatitis B and C affect more than 354 million people globally and can lead to liver disease and mortality from liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma. More than 296 million people (3.7% of the world’s population) live with HBV, and over 820,000 deaths are attributable annually. An estimated 58 million people (globally, 0.73%) live with the hepatitis C virus (HCV), resulting in nearly 290,000 deaths annually.
Key issues to be addressed are how to translate research outcomes into public health policy and practice to meet the 2030 elimination targets. During this two-day meeting, experts in viral hepatitis from around the globe will examine current evidence on how to implement programs that improve the prevention of viral hepatitis and increase the number of people accessing testing and treatment.
The program includes practical examples of innovative intervention studies, country elimination programs, and novel funding mechanisms for testing and treatment.
We invite you to contribute to the elimination of viral hepatitis and look forward to welcoming you to this unique meeting either in person or virtually!
The Organizing Committee
Program Chairs 2022
IVHEM is convened by Academic Medical Education, Virology Education, and the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination (CGHE).
What's New
Stadhouderskade 12
1054 ES Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Networking Dinner Venue: Caro's Bar & Bistro
Weteringschans 75
1017 RX Amsterdam
The Netherlands

General Information
Medical Education (EACCME®) with 8 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at www.ama-assn.org/education/earn-credit-participation-international-activities.
Stadhouderskade 12
1054 ES Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Make sure to register for the dinner when registering for the meeting to connect with your colleagues and the great faculty.
Dinner venue: Caro's Bar & Bistro
Address: Weteringschans 75, 1017 RX, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Website: https://www.carosbarbistro.nl/
We are available to answer any questions or concerns that you may have about your participation. For more information, please contact Michelle Wu via Michelle.Wu@amededu.com
- Clinicians
- Researchers
- Policymakers
- Virologists
- Pharmacologists
- Industry representatives
- Community representatives
- Provide a forum for knowledge exchange and discussion of practical experiences related to the clinical management of viral hepatitis;
- Provide a toolbox for the practical application of research & development for evidence-based policymaking; and
- Facilitate cross-disciplinary discussion on barriers and challenges preventing the elimination of viral hepatitis.
- Identify innovative strategies for hepatitis b and hepatitis C testing and linkage to care and how these can be applied to their program and clinical activities;
- Recognize the needs from a public health perspective and respond to these needs by reshaping their policymaking approaches;
- Further develop new or strengthen already existing foundations for political commitment, national planning, and program improvements; and
- Translate the latest research and technologies into clinical policy and practice for delivering an adequate continuum of viral hepatitis services.
Practical Information
Translation will not be provided.
Any individual who feels discriminated against, harassed, disrespected, or marginalized is encouraged to report the incident(s) to VE and AME via info@amededu.com or to one of our on-site personnel.
Any participant who is found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be removed from the program.
Please check this website or subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates.
Fees and Conditions
Academia - In Person |
Academia - Virtual |
Industry |
Early Fee (payment before/on 1 June 2022) |
€395 |
€197.50 |
€1395 |
Regular Fee (payment before/on 1 October 2022) |
€595 |
€297.50 |
€1595 |
Late Fee (payment before/on 1 December 2022) |
€795 |
€347.50 |
€1795 |
Same Day Fee (payment from 2 December 2022) |
€895 |
€372.50 |
€1895 |
Discounts |
Early-Career Investigators / Academia from Resource-Limited Settings (RLS)* WITH an accepted abstract |
Fee Waived |
Early-Career Investigators / Academia from Resource-Limited Settings (RLS)* WITHOUT an accepted abstract |
50% Off Current Academia Fee |
NGO Representatives / Government Representatives (i.e. MOH, NIH, NIAID, etc.) / Advocates |
50% Off Current Academia Fee |
Members of Endorsers |
25% Off Current Academia Fee |
Sponsors |
Contact Secretariat |
If eligible for a discount, please contact the conference secretariat via Michelle Wu via Michelle.Wu@amededu.com for the special registration code.
*Countries included in the low-income and middle-income economies list of the World Bank Classification
We strongly advise that you register early to ensure that your registration is secured.
Submission of your online registration does not guarantee that your registration has been accepted. Your registration is final when full prepayment has been received and a confirmation of your registration has been sent.
No day rate is available.
- Access to all enduring materials
- Virtual Meeting pack, including abstract book and program
- Refreshments during the coffee breaks (for in-person attendees)
- Buffet lunch on meeting days (for in-person attendees)
IMPORTANT: the registration fee waiver is offered to the presenting author only.
To be eligible as a young investigator, one should either be:
a current Master/PhD student, or
have obtained an MD/PharmD/PhD degree in the last five years.
An application form (available below) needs to be completed by a supervisor and received by the secretariat at least two weeks prior to the start of the workshop. AME and VE will contact the investigator with instructions regarding the registration procedure.
Please contact Michelle Wu at Michelle.Wu@amededu.com if you need to make alternative arrangements.
- Cancellation before/on 1 November 2022: 50% refund (minus an administration fee of €40)
- Cancellation after 2 November 2022: Unfortunately, no refund will be given
If you are unable to attend the meeting, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charge, provided that a letter of authorization from the original participant has been received and the conference secretariat has been notified of the name of the substitute delegate before 15 November 2022. A statement (email/letter) of cancellation must be sent to AME and VE.
1. Proof of accreditation
2. Valid identification (e.g. passport)
3. A letter from your assignment giver stating the details of your assignment (e.g. editor)
4. At least 3 previous written assignments in recognized outlets on Hepatitis. If you are a freelance journalist, the assignments can be from different (recognizable) news outlets. Links to online publications are accepted
5. The website of the publication(s)/blog(s) that will be featuring your story on this meeting
A free or reduced registration fee may apply for accredited media participants depending on availability. Preference will be given to credible print and online news sources. Please contact the conference secretariat for registration conditions.
We would like to receive a copy of your meeting report/ article once it is finalized.
All credentials will be verified by the Organizing Committee of the meeting. Media representatives are kindly requested to register by sending the above-mentioned information to info@amededu.com.
Important: Media is restricted to the written press. Recording on film or photo is not allowed. AME and VE will request a copy of the written piece once it is finalized. Media representatives must also agree to abide by the 2022 embargo policy.
- Abstract submission portal for IVHEM 2022 is now closed.
- Registration fees are waived for healthcare professionals from RLS and early-career professionals with an accepted abstract. A 50% discount is offered to healthcare professionals from RLS and early-career professionals without an accepted abstract. The requirements for the application are specified under "Registration".
- IVHEM 2022 accepts new original data as well as encored abstracts. All abstracts must focus on health care challenges related to the prevention and treatment of Hepatitis and contain up-to-date information at the time of the meeting.
Terms and Conditions
By submitting an abstract to a meeting organized by Virology Education BV (VE) or Academic Medical Education BV (AME), the abstract submitter hereby agrees to the terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions can be viewed here.
Abstracts can be submitted under the following categories:
- Assessing Progress Towards Hepatitis Elimination
- Model for Care - Focus on HBV
- Model for Care - Focus on HCV
- Monitoring and Testing
- Prevention
- Strategies to Move Forward to Come to Elimination
- Hepatitis Micro-Elimination Programs
- Background: A concise statement of the issue under investigation or a hypothesis;
- Material and Methods: The experimental methods used (including the statistical analyses employed);
- Results: Specific findings (promises such as "to be completed" or "to be presented" are not acceptable);
- Conclusions: A summary of findings that are supported by your results (statistical analyses used to support the conclusions, where appropriate, should be included; concluding statements such as "the results will be discussed" are not acceptable).
Please note that abstracts cannot be accepted if tables or graphs are included. The maximum word count for the abstract body is 500 words.
Abstracts are considered official communications to the meeting and will be treated confidentially. Submitters of accepted abstracts agree to attend the meeting and present their abstract as scheduled.
- Poster presenters are requested to stand near their posters during the poster session.
- We advise you to prepare hand-outs of your poster on Letter or A4 format.
- Please hang your posters as early as possible. All posters must be displayed from the opening session to the closure of the meeting.
- Pushpins and/or tape will be provided.
VE and AME is the sole copyright holder of the conference abstract book as a whole (also referred to as the Reviews in Antiviral Therapy & Infectious Diseases). The abstract authors will retain any and all copyright over their individual abstract. Information on copyright can be viewed in the abstract submission terms and conditions (see 'Terms and Conditions' above).
Program Chairs
The members of the Organizing Committee are a group of carefully selected experts and inspirational leaders in their respective fields. They meet frequently to discuss the scientific program of the workshop, identify interesting topics and candidate speakers, and review all submitted abstracts.
Scientific Committee
- Rakesh Aggarwal, MD (AIIMS), DM (PGIMER), FNASc, FAMS - Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), India
- Po-Lin Chan, MD - World Health Organization, Philippines
- Ponsiano Ocama, MD, PhD - Makerere University, Uganda
- Gagandeep Singh Grover, MD - Health and Family Welfare, India
- Saeed Hamid, MBBS, FRCP, FRCPI, FACP, FACG, FAASLD - Aga Khan University, Pakistan
- Angelos Hatzakis, MD, PhD, MSc - Athens University Medical School, Greece
- Margaret Hellard, AM, MBBS, FRACP, FAFPHM, PhD - Burnet Institute, Australia
- Khin Pyone Kyi, MBBS, DBact, MMedSc, PhD, FRCP - Myanmar Liver Foundation, Myanmar
- Jeffrey Lazarus, PhD, MIH, MA - Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Spain
- Maud Lemoine, MD, PhD - Imperial College London, United Kingdom
- Liudmyla Maistat - Medicines Patent Pool, Switzerland
- Hailemichael Desalegn Mekonnen, MD, PhD - St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Ethiopia
- Yvonne Nartey, MBChB, MSc, MPhil – Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Ghana
- Michael Ninburg, Hepatitis Education Project (HEP), United States
- Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, MD, PhD - Hôpital Henri Mondor, France
- Homie Razavi, PhD, MBA - Center for Disease Analysis (CDA), United States
- Shiv. K. Sarin, MD, DM, DSc. (Hony.), FNA, FNAS - Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS), India
- Janvier Serumondo, MD - Rwanda Biomedical Centre, Rwanda
Mark Sonderup, B Pharm, MBChB, FCP(SA), MMed - University of Cape Town, South Africa
Sonjelle Shilton, MPH - Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), Switzerland
Nasamon Wanlapakorn, MD, PhD - Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
The members of Scientific Committee are hand-picked by the Organizing Committee and the workshop secretariat based on their significant contributions and commitment to the field. They assist the Organizing Committee by providing them with suggestions for speakers and topics. In addition, members of the Scientific Committee participate in reviewing submitted abstracts, and play an active role during the workshop as moderators and/or chairs of sessions.

A 25% discount on the meeting registration fee is offered to the members/employees of our endorsers. Please reach out to your organization for your discount code.
If you would like your organization to endorse IVHEM, please contact Jesper Niesen at Jesper.Niesen@amededu.com.
Support Our Initiative
Financial backing helps us deliver an impactful meeting experience for the benefit of healthcare professionals and community representatives involved in the elimination of viral hepatitis.
This collaboration plays a vital role in both the organizational as well as scientific success of the program.
To show your commitment to the cause and get in touch with us for a tailored support package, please contact Jesper Niesen at Jesper.Niesen@amededu.com.
Benefits of Support
By supporting this program, we can offer the following advantages for your company.* Please contact us for the most recent support level benefits for this program.
- Symposium opportunities
- Verbal acknowledgment during the program
- Discounted and complimentary registrations for your representatives
- Company acknowledgment on digital meeting materials including but not limited to newsletters, flyers, program book, the streaming platform, and our website
- Digital advertising opportunities
- Social media shout-outs
- Logo on the digital conference bag
- Exhibition
*Subject to the support level
Group Photo

Top-Rated Materials from Previous Editions
A Whole Family Approach to HBV Prevention - Rangsima Lolekha, MD
IVHEM 2021