Wendy Spearman, MBChB, MMed, PhD, FCP(SA), FRCP (London)


Wendy Spearman is Emeritus Professor of Medicine and a Consultant Hepatologist in the Division of Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town. She was appointed as a University of Cape Town Senior Scholar in July 2024.

She was Head of the Division of Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town and Head of Liver Transplantation, Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa from 1/01/1998 - 30/06/2024.

She obtained her PhD in 2008 from the University of Cape Town on “The effect of two novel C-type lectins, Ba100 and Ba25, isolated from the venom of the puff adder, Bitis arietans on T lymphocyte proliferative responses.” She is actively involved in outreach Liver Education Programmes and is the Lead of the ‘Viral Hepatitis in sub-Saharan Africa” Project ECHO Clinic program. She was appointed as the lead consultant to develop the National Guidelines on the management and prevention of viral hepatitis in South Africa and as co-chair of the WHO 2024 Hepatitis B Guidelines Development Group. She is co-chair of the Africa CDC working group to develop an operational toolkit for the implementation of the WHO 2024 Hepatitis B Guidelines. She is Vice-president of the Society on Liver Disease in Africa (SOLDA). She is a member of Global NASH/MASH Council. Her research interests include viral hepatitis, MASLD, hepatocellular carcinoma, drug-induced liver injuries, liver transplantation and novel immunosuppressants.

Wendy Spearman
University of Cape Town, South Africa