Jonathan M Schapiro, MD has devoted his career to HIV clinical care, research and education since completing his Fellowship in Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine Center For AIDS Research, Stanford CA. Dr. Schapiro Graduated from the Ben Gurion University School of Medicine and completed his Medicine Residency at the Rabin Medical Center in Israel.
Dr. Schapiro’s research has focused on the causes of antiretroviral drug failure, interventions to optimize clinical care, and new drug development. His interests have include resistance and cross-resistance between drugs, associations between resistance and pharmacology, development of new antiretroviral agents with improved resistance and pharmacological profiles, the clinical utility of resistance and drug level testing, and integrating resistance assays and other diagnostics into clinical care. He has been involved in the development of advanced interpretation systems for these assays, and has worked to highlight the importance of interactions between drug exposure and resistance. Dr. Schapiro currently runs the HIV/AIDS clinic at the National Hemophilia Center in Tel Aviv, Israel.