Tim Cressey, MSc, PhD


Tim R. Cressey, MSc, PhD is a clinical pharmacologist working at the Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences at Chiang Mai University in Thailand, since 2001. While in Thailand he held a joint academic position at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA (2003-2020), and currently hold positions with the French National Research Institute for Development PHPT research unit and the University of Liverpool, UK.

He has performed multiple clinical pharmacokinetic studies in adults, adolescents, children, pregnant women and newborns. He is also an active member of the NIH-funded International Pediatric Maternal Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) network and Paediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS (PENTA). He is currently a member of the World Health Organization convened Pediatric Optimization Working Groups on Antiretrovirals (PADO, Co-Chair: 2016-20) and Viral Hepatitis (PWGH).

To support both investigator-initiated and network studies undertaken in Thailand, he has established a pharmacology laboratory at Chiang Mai University which supports NIH/USA studies and is ISO 15189 and ISO 17089 accredited.

He has published extensively of the clinical pharmacology of antiretrovirals to guide dosing in multiple populations. He is currently involved in the assessment of novel pediatric antiretroviral foundations in Thailand and Africa and pharmacokinetics of Hepatitis-C virus antiviral treatment in Malaysia and Thailand.

Dr Cressey, Tim
Chiang Mai University, Thailand