Alexandra Compagnucci, MD


Medical training at Facultad de Medicina, Buenos Aires University, training in adult Infectious Diseases  at Hospital Muñiz, Buenos Aires and was part of one of the 2 pioneers groups in taking care of the first cases of HIV patients and also involved in training programs on HIV across the country. Also responsible of the HIV Hemophilic Cohort at the Hemophilia Foundation DrA.Pavlovsky, (Hematology Research Institute, National Medical Academy) taking care of HIV infection and comorbidities until she left the country to continue the related activities in Paris when she integrates the Hôtel-Dieu Hospital  for many years 
Medical assistant at Cochin-Port Royal Hospital-University Group - APHP, especially in the field of HIV pregnant women 
She was member of the PDCO at the European Medicines Agency 2008-2016 
 Project leader at INSERM SC10-US19 (trials in HIV infection and Infectious diseases, National Institute of Health and Medical Research) 
 Member of the Steering Committee of PENTA (Pediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS) and of the teaching staff (Tr@inforPedHIV program) through the PENTA-ID network and one of the leaders of the program in Latin America together with the Spanish and latinoamercan colleagues.  
She is involved in many International projects mainly focused on HIV in pediatrics 

Alexandra Compagnucci
Inserm, France