In Memoriam: Dr. Charles Boucher, Scientific Director at Virology Education and Academic Medical Education
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for Dr. Charles Boucher.
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Que son âme repose en paix.
I look forward to being one of the scientists that are mentored by you even in your physical absence. Your many contributions to science will guide many of us through to ensure the continuity of what you did.
RIP Dr. Charles Boucher

Rest in Paradise
ass. prof. Július Rajčáni, MD, PhD, ScD, retired senior scientist, Bratislava, Slovakia
May you rest in peace!
Joe Jiwok, Nfeltp Nigeria.
Your spirit will remain always alive in your loved ones, friends, colleagues and students.
Thank you for your work
Ông ra đi là một tổn thất lớn cho nền khoa học về vi rus học, chúng ta mất đi một người thầy lớn, mất đi một đồng nghiệp lớn trong việc đẩy lùi đại dịch HIV trên thế giới này.
Trong nỗi đau thương tiếc này, nhớ về Ông chúng ta cầnchung tay nỗ lực hơn nữa để nhân loại không phải chịu mất mát do đại dịch HIV.
Xin nghiêng mình thương nhớ về Ông Gs. Tiến sỹ Charles Boucher
Ông luôn sống mãi trong trái tim của chúng tôi.
Dr. Dong, Ngo Thi anh
Klinic Mai Khoi.
From Hochiminhcity, Vietnam
Condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
Vira Chechenieva
I wish his family and loved ones all the strength to cope with this terrible loss.
Abrazzo’s Rik
Charles was a great mentor to me and guided me through my first years of university. His advise and way of thinking has helped me in carving my path as a future doctor and researcher. Having Charles as a professor was a true privilege. Charles, you will be missed!
Fabiana Lucia Bassil
Lee Robson
I will miss you so much. You enriched every scientific meeting you hosted or attended with important insights. You frequently took the first step in stimulating important discussions that would not had taken place without your willingness to speak up and include others in the discussion.
Harrison Kaleli, Nairobi, Kenya
Anastasiia Kiurdzhyieva, Tetiana Kyrychenko (Ukraine).
He was devoted to education and with his great support, we started the first HIV Masterclass in the Netherlands for young medical doctors. Pure science and no Pharma tricks.
Sad to say that we had to say goodbye to this wonderful, friendly, and creative man!
We will miss you, Charles!
May God bless you!
He made us benefit a lot from Virology education.
May his soul rest in peace.
For many time i was see him in many oportunities in Medical Congress.
God bless him and história family .
Rogo a Deus que conforte esposa, filhos familiares e amigos
To his hard-hit family, receive our most saddened condolence.