Amelie Menard, MD, PhD


Dr. Menard is currently an infectious diseases physician at the IHU Méditerranée Infection in Marseille, a French public hospital. Her clinical subspecialties include HIV/AIDS, papillomavirus infections, viral hepatitis, bone and joint infections and antimicrobial stewardship, with a particular focus on COVID, especially long COVID, since 2020.

In the field of research, she actively collaborates with research units at APHM, ANRS and INSERM, participating in studies on the pathophysiology of long COVID. Since May 2020, Dr Menard  is manager of  platform for the outpatient management of patients with prolonged manifestations of COVID. From July 2021, she has assumed the role of expert in the Long COVID center for general physicians. Dr Menard also contributes to the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) expert group, playing a key role in the development of national recommendations for the management of patients with long COVID. She is also actively involved in the supervision of Masters and PhD students.

Amelie Menard
IHU Méditerranée Infection Marseille, France