Anders Sönnerborg, MD, PhD


Anders Sönnerborg MD, PhD, is professor in clinical virology and infectious diseases at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and chair of both departments. He is also senior consultant at the Karolinska University Hospital. Prof Sönnerborg started his work as an HIV physician in 1983 and defended his thesis on HIV in 1989. He has thereafter continued his research on HIV and hepatitis C with special focus on antiviral therapy and pathogenesis and has published more than >300 peer-reviewed articles. Prof Sönnerborg  is the chair of Centre for HIV Research at Karolinska Institutet, director of the clinical HIV research at Karolinska University Hospital and also a member of the scientific advisory group in antivirals/HIV at the European Medicines Agency.

Anders Sönnerborg
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden