Ann E Deschamps, MSN


Ann Deschamps, a mother of 2 children, works since 2009 as a nursing lecturer at the University College of Applied Sciences Leuven-Limburg in Belgium.

Her greatest passion is helping students to grow both personally and professionally. She does this by supervising nursing students during their internship, teaching nursing students and supervising them during their bachelor theses. 

At her school, she worked 10 year as an international coordinator for students and teachers exchange within Europe and Africa. Together with international partners from The Netherlands, Norway and Bosnia-Herzegovina she developed two Intensive Programs for students and teachers: “Transcultural Nursing” and “Elderly Care in Europe”.

From 1991 until 2009 she worked as a nurse at the University Hospitals of Leuven, Belgium. Because she likes to challenge herself, she worked on several units. In 1993 she started on the internal medicine unit and encountered her first HIV-patient. HIV-care became her passion and in 1996 she became a Clinical Nurse Specialist HIV. Together with a multidisciplinary team she developed an HIV care program at the University Hospitals Leuven. She wrote two books on HIV care and performed nursing research on medication and appointment nonadherence.

Deschamps, Ann
UC Leuven-Limburg, Belgium