Brenda Bakobye


Brenda Bakobye is a student at St Paul’s University in Nairobi, studying community development and social work. She is passionate about policy advocacy on SRHR and HIV among adolescents and young people. For her, nothing is more fulfilling, as working with programs that shares her values, concerns and professional desire to make a positive difference to the world. She believes policy advocacy work involves two key things: policy change and policy implementation.

She has three years of experience in programming for adolescent and young people sexual reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, including human rights. As well as taking part in the development of key adolescent health documents which includes Sauti Skika strategic plan 2019-2023 and Adolescent Fast Track plan 2015- 2017.

Currently she is part of The youth advisory panel of UNFPA Kenya and a member of Sauti Skika (an initiative for and by adolescents and young people living with HIV whose goal is to ensure the voices of adolescents and young people ‘Living with HIV’ is heard at all levels of HIV response)

She is also working with Maisha youth which is a virtual movement that inspire and empower young people to make informed decisions that lead them to live healthy productive lives and being agents of change.
