Carlijn Jordans, MD, PhD(c)


Drs. Carlijn Jordans (1993) works at Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, NL) as a PhD candidate at the department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. She obtained her medical degree at LUMC and worked two years as resident internal medicine at Haaglanden MC. Currently, she conducts a PhD (prof. dr. A. Verbon; dr. C. Rokx) where she coordinates the #awarehiv project ( aimed to study and promote the HIV testing cascade, create awareness amongst public and professionals for HIV testing in people with HIV indicator conditions, and ending stigma. Her studies contribute to end AIDS in the Netherlands via proactive HIV testing strategies in hospitals and at general practitioners, and by improving HIV indicator condition testing in Europe. She is currently developing accredited learning modules on HIV indicator conditions for healthcare professionals.

Jordans, Carlijn
Erasmus University Medical Center, Department of Infectious Diseases