Christine Bourgeois, Pharm.D., PhD


Christine Bourgeois is a senior investigator at INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and works in the IMVA-HB Center (Immunology of viral, autoimmune, hematological and bacterial disease), headed by Roger Le Grand in Paris. She is a Pharm. D. PhD and obtained her PhD from Paris-University, France, working on the characterization of CD8 T cell memory in mouse model. She joined the lab of Brigitta Stockinger at NIMR, London where she worked on the homeostatic mechanisms regulating CD4 T functions. In 2007, she joined the INSERM 1012 unit, “Regulation of immune responses, HIV infection and autoimmunity” directed by Pr Marc Tardieu to develop a program on the immunomodulatory mechanisms regulating T cell responses in the context of HIV infection, and joined the team of Pr. Olivier Lambotte (“Control of chronic viral infection”) to develop a project on tissue-specific immunity.

The main focus of her work is the characterization of adipose tissue, in its immunological function. We are interested in the anti-infectious properties of adipose tissue immune cells, in healthy and infectious context. In the context of HIV infection, we also aim to understand the impact of both HIV and antiretroviral treatment on adipose tissue immune cells functions.

Bourgeois, Christine 2022
French National Institute of Health and Medical Research / IMVA-HB Center, France