Claire Norcross, MBBS, MSc, MRCP, BSc, DipHIV, DipGUM, DFSRH


Claire Norcross is a UK-trained physician and clinical researcher with expertise in HIV Medicine and Sexual and Reproductive Health, and a UK Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health Diplomate. She is currently based at MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit where she is undertaking her PhD examining strategies for the safe use and implementation of novel antiretroviral treatment and prevention through Brighton & Sussex Medical School, UK. In addition,  she serves as co-Lead for the IMProving HIV outcomes in Africa with Long-acting Antiretroviral therapy (IMPALA) trial, and is a co-investigator on the CORAL study, which is examining real-world outcomes and use of long-acting cabotegravir/rilpivrine in the UK. Her research interests include access to testing and linkage to HIV and SRH healthcare, novel ART strategies, HIV transmission prevention, and complex comorbidities in HIV.

MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit, Uganda / Brighton & Sussex Medical School, United Kingdom