Colleen Wagner, RN, RM, CNP


Colleen started her career as a Registered Nurse and Midwife in 1994. In her over 20-year career, she has worked in various fields of nursing including paediatric, occupational health, HIV (treatment and prevention) and clinical trials. Colleen holds a Masters in Nursing and is a Clinical Nursing Practitioner.  She joined NACOSA after working for the International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM) as a Programme Support Specialist setting up research sites in South and East Africa on the Davipirine microbicide programme. This was preceded by her work at the Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation as a Program Manager on an adolescent-focused intervention and research project called The Zimele Project. Her passion is health promotion and disease prevention programmes aimed at adolescent health to safely transition into the second decade of life.

Wagner, colleen 2022 (2)
NACOSA, South Africa