Commodore Alain Azondekon, MD, MPH, CEIDR, FAAP


Commodore (Dr) Alain AZONDEKON is Pediatrician Consultant at the National Teaching Hospital-Hubert Koutoukou Maga in Cotonou – BENIN. He earned his MD and Pediatrics degree at University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar-SENEGAL(1995); a Master degree in Biostatistics/Epidemiology and Certificate on Health Services Management at Free University of Brussels-BELGIUM(2000); Certificates on HIV at Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University, Kampala-UGANDA(2005) and University of California San Diego-UCSD-USA(2006); and on Emerging Infectious Diseases Research at University of Florida-USA(2012) and on Instructional Methods for Health Professional Education at University of Michigan-USA(2016).

As Head of the Pediatric Department at Military Teaching Hospital-MTH Cotonou-BENIN(1995-2022), He developed an extensive clinical and research experience in HIV Pediatrics since 1997 especially by integrating Human and Social Sciences in the package of care to children in the context of HIV pandemics, and as well as promoting Health Services Research within Benin Military Health Services.

He contributed to IeDEA/NIH initiative from 2006-2009 as Lead coordinator for Pediatric West-Africa Database to Evaluate AIDS (PWADA), Fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics as HIV focal point of SOICH(2013), and Board member – Partnership and Resources Mobilization of Network for AIDS in Children (EVA) based in Dakar. He is a Lecturer of Pediatrics and Methodology of research in various institutes of Universities in BENIN and SENEGAL.

He is author of various peer-reviewed articles and served as abstract reviewer for US National HIV Prevention Conference, IAS since 2007 and ICASA for which He served as Scientific Committee member since 2011, and the Lead Rapporteur of ICASA since 2015. He also acted as Member of editorial scientific committee of “Médecine et Santé Tropicales” Medical Journal under French Military Health Services, National Expert for Poliomyelitis Eradication in Benin since 2001, International Consultant for UNAIDS(MENA) for HIV Prevention in Uniform Services in ALGERIA(2006), and WHO International Consultant for Ebola Virus Disease in DRC(2019), and Monitoring and Evaluation Expert for DRC HIV National Strategic Planning(2022-2026) under WHO consultancy.

Azondekon, Alain 2023
Hubert Koutoukou Maga National Teaching Hospital, Benin