We are committed to providing educational opportunities for our participants across the globe. To keep our programs accessible to everyone who wishes to participate, several of our 2020 programs have been adapted to hybrid or virtual formats. Check below for the latest information.

  • Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV, Hepatitis & Other Antiviral Drugs rescheduled to 28-30 September 2020. Read more
  • International Conference on (Re-) Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICREID)  to be postponed until October 2020. Read more
  • European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis has been rescheduled to 28-30 October 2020. Read more
  • Asia Pacific AIDS & Co-Infections Conference (APACC) rescheduled to 15-17 October 2020. Read more
  • International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics has been rescheduled to 16 -17 November 2020. Read More
  • International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence has been rescheduled to 28-30 November 2020. Read More
  • INTEREST has been rescheduled to 1-4 December 2020. Read more
  • Global HIV Clinical Forum will take place as a virtual meeting, date TBC. Read more
  • Salvador HIV Clinical Forum has been rescheduled to 3 September 2020. Read more
  • Argentinian HIV Clinical Forum has been rescheduled to 27 September 2020. Read more
  • Asia Pacific HIV Clinical Forum has been rescheduled to 14 October 2020. Read more
  • European HIV Clinical Forum has been rescheduled to 27 October 2020. Read more
  • Rio de Janeiro HIV Clinical Forum has been rescheduled to 16 November 2020. Read more
  • São Paulo HIV Clinical Forum has been rescheduled to 30 November 2020. Read more
  • Asian Stigma & Discrimination Forum has been rescheduled to 15 October 2020. Read more
  • Latin American Stigma & Discrimination Forum has been rescheduled to 28 October 2020. Read more
  • African Stigma & Discrimination Forum has been rescheduled to 30 November 2020. Read more

March 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We at Virology Education and Expert Medical Events are aware that the current events relating to COVID-19 have developed to a point where we are no longer able to run several of our annual programs scheduled for the approaching weeks and months.

To ensure that we do not put our participants' health at risk, we are currently adapting our live meetings to limit travel and allow you as healthcare professionals to address the crisis at hand. This means that most, if not all of our spring 2020 live programs will be rescheduled to later this year.

We are fully committed to supporting our network during this pandemic and thank you for your understanding while we reschedule our upcoming meetings. As a medical education company, we will continue to provide relevant information to address knowledge gaps in infectious diseases and more across the globe. Our thoughts are with the medical community on the front line of the public health response to COVID-19; we wish you the strength to continue this crucial work.

Charles Boucher
Charels Boucher
Scientific Director
Alice Posthumus-Plantinga
Alice Posthumus-Plantinga
Managing Director