Denize Lotufo Estevam, MD


Dr. Denize Lotufo Estevam is an infectious diseases doctor has been working at Centro de Referência e Treinamento em DST/Aids (the STD/AIDS Reference and Training Center), the headquarters of Coordenação Estadual de IST/Aids do Estado de São Paulo (the State Coordination of STI/AIDS in the State of São Paulo) since 1992 . A manager of comprehensive health care for ten years, Dr. Lotufo is also a member of the advisory committee from the Ministry of Health for the elaboration of the PCDT for the management of HIV infection in adults. Genotyping reference physician, coordinator of the Technical Advisory Chamber on ART Management in the state of São Paulo, collaborator of the Combina Study, with experience in caring for people on PrEP since 2017, Master in Public Health from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo.

Lotufo Estevam, Denize, 2022
Centro de Referência e Treinamento DST/Aids, Brazil