Dominique Costagliola, PhD


Dominique Costagliola, epidemiologist and biostatistician, is a Senior Researcher at INSERM and Deputy-Head of the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (Sorbonne Université, INSERM). PI of ANRS CO4 FHDH, a nation-wide cohort of PLHIV in care in France, she has worked on hidden parameters of the HIV epidemic, resistance to antiretroviral drugs and severe AIDS and non-AIDS morbidity and more recently on prevention of HIV infection and STIs in MSM. She is currently involved in COVID-19 clinical trials across Europe (EU-Response). Member of the French Academy of Sciences, she received the INSERM Grand Prix in December 2020 for her work on the front line in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Besides her research activity, she has a strong involvement in expertise and decision making on health issues for the Ministry of Health, and the Health Agencies, and in scientific evaluation. During the COVID-19 epidemic, she has been a member of the COVID-19 scientific council of the ANRS MIE (former REACTing) and has been very involved in the evaluation of research projects on the disease in France and in Europe.

Costagliola, Dominique 2021
French Institute of Health and Medical Research - INSERM, France